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Books published by publisher Chapel Close

  • Amulet

    A.D. Hawkins

    language (Chapel Close, May 31, 2012)
    They retire their operatives early at the Space Intelligence Agency. Sometimes they just eliminate them.There is a prose poem which says: You are a child of the universe, no less than the trees and stars. You have a right to be here. Unfortunately, there are forces at work that think otherwise.Forty-two children aboard a space shuttle are kidnapped and about to die. Somewhere in the universe there is a micro chip the size of a pinhead. It alone holds the key to saving the children, the earth and the new frontiers of space from evil domination.You think you have it all planned, a beach house, a stretch of one of the last unpolluted diving reefs on earth, a pension before youโ€™re thirty. Then you get a Masertext.It is the year 2050 in an age of corruption, deception and a depleted earth. Space Intelligence agent Cornelius Ross is quitting to run his Caribbean dive school but he has one last mission. He and Mistral, the beautiful daughter of a resistance leader, are drawn together with a notorious space pirate in a desperate fight to save Humankind from the holocaust about to be unleashed.
  • Klaudia Cay and the Witchfinder General

    A.D. Hawkins

    language (Chapel Close, Feb. 22, 2016)
    Save the king from assassination or your best friend from being hanged as a witch. How do you choose?It's Halloween and Klaudia Cay uncovers the power of Katalin's Grimoire. A book so full of ancient secrets it could change the world forever.When Kat and their arch enemy, Jac, suddenly disappear, how can Klaudia tell the police they have 'Travelled' to 1645?The English Civil War is raging and it's a dangerous time for witches. The notorious Witchfinder Genral has just had nineteen tortured, condemned and hanged at the Assizes.Klaudia desperately needs to be 'Called' back in time by musketeer Gabriel Gubbins to save Kat and, she discovers, herself from the same terrible fate.