The Amazing Book
Bridgestone Kids
Audio CD
(Bridgestone/E1, Jan. 1, 2002)
This is the original production. A musical adventure about the greatest Book of all featuring Doc, Revver, and Dewey Decimole. Includes the songs: 1. The Amazing Book, 2. The Good Book, 3. The Writers of the Bible, 4. The Divine Library, 5. Sixty-Six Books, 6. A Story-Telling Book, 7. The Amazing Book (reprise), 8. Through History, 9. Believe It or Not, 10. His Story, 11. Bible Medley, 12. Read Your Bible, Pray Every Day, 13. Every Promise in the Book is Mine, 14. The B-I-B-L-E, 15. The Letter of Love, 16. The Amazing Book >> Brand new CD. Buy from Faith Outlet and save! <<