Scripture Song Sing-A-Long: 10 Memory-Verse Songs for Kids
Ed Kee, Rhonda Frazier, Brian Green
(Brentwood-Benson Music Publishing, March 1, 2009)
Romans 10:17 tells us that Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God. It naturally follows that if you want your children to grow in faith, then they must hear the Word of God. What better way for kids to learn the truth of God's Word than to memorize it in a song? Scripture Song Sing-a-long is designed to help them do just that. These fun, easy-to-sing songs contain complete passages of Scripture set to memorable melodies that your kids will be singing for years to come. The Brentwood Kids Club exclusive Kaboodle activity book also contains not only the music, but additional material such as puzzles, word play, questions, art and fill-in-the-blank exercises to help children reinforce and apply these truths in their daily walk. As an added bonus, the full Listening CD is included in this book along with the activities. We have also created a Kaboodle Leader's Resource Bundle for Scripture Song Sing-a-long, which includes printable full piano sheet music for every song, answer keys to all activities included in the activity book, production notes, clip art, worship slides and a Split-Track Listening CD (music on the left, vocals on the right). It's like having a music assistant at your fingertips. Whether used in Sunday School, children's church or at home in a family devotional time, children and adults alike will enjoy learning and singing these songs. What better way to hide God's Word in your heart than with Scripture Song Sing-a-long?