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Books published by publisher Bethlehem books

  • The Winged Watchman

    Hilda van Stockum, John Lee, Bethlehem Books

    Audiobook (Bethlehem Books, March 26, 2015)
    This acclaimed story of World War II is rich in suspense, characterization, plot, and spiritual truth. Every element of occupied Holland is united in a story of courage and hope: a hidden Jewish child, an underdiver, a downed RAF pilot, an imaginative, daring underground hero, and the small things of family life which surprisingly carry on in the midst of oppression. The Verhagen family, who live in the old windmill called the Winged Watchman, are a memorable set of individuals whose lives powerfully demonstrate the resilience of those who suffer but do not lose faith.
  • Archimedes and the Door of Science

    Jeanne Bendick

    Paperback (Bethlehem Books, Aug. 1, 1995)
    Jeanne Bendick, through text and pictures, admirably succeeds in bringing to life the ancient Greek mathematician who enriched mathematics and all branches of science. Against the backdrop of Archimedes' life and culture, the author discusses the man's work, his discoveries and the knowledge later based upon it. The simple, often humorous, illustrations and diagrams greatly enhance the text. Illustrated by the author.
  • Happy Little Family: Fairchild Family Story

    Rebecca Caudill, Mary Sarah, Bethlehem Books

    Audiobook (Bethlehem Books, March 17, 2016)
    It is a good thing that mothers understand what no one else seems to when you are the youngest child in the family, and are finally four years old. Bonnie is more than ready to join her older sisters and brother in the many adventures she sees come their way, whether it be sliding along the ice, searching for arrowheads, or going on that journey of all journeys-across the swinging bridge to school. Winter or summer, something is always happening in the Fairchild house, tucked amidst the pine trees of the Kentucky hills 100 years ago or more. And, four years old or not, Bonnie usually manages to be in the middle of the action!
  • Schoolhouse in the Woods: Fairchild Family Stories, Book 2

    Rebecca Caudill, Mary Sarah Agliotta, Bethlehem Books

    Audiobook (Bethlehem Books, March 21, 2016)
    The Fairchild family is here again, and this time, Bonnie is old enough to begin the great adventure - school! We join Bonnie in the excruciating anticipation of the first day, when she will wear her new dress, carry a first reader and slate, and displaying nonchalance as she braves the swinging bridge - enter into the mysteries of schoolroom learning and playground rites in a woodland setting of the early 1900s. Bonnie's older brother and three sisters, her various classmates, and Miss Cora, her teacher, add their liveliness to an eventful season of learning on every front in the Kentucky Hills.
  • Up and Down the River: Fairchild Family Stories, Book 3

    Rebecca Caudill, Mary Sarah Agliotta, Bethlehem books

    Audiobook (Bethlehem books, March 21, 2016)
    Bonnie's and Debbie's desire to get rich causes them to respond to a sure-thing magazine advertisement. They are soon embarked upon an ambitious summer of selling up and down the river. Not that circumstances end quite in the way they had imagined! In a surprising flurry of trading, the girls somehow accumulate wealth in the form of unexpected friends, assorted animals, and unforeseen situations, even as their collection of dimes and dollars seem always to be slipping through their hands. Bonnie and Debbie Fairchild occupy center stage in this story of a summer season in the lovely hills of Kentucky of the early 1900s.
  • Schoolroom in the Parlor: Fairchild Family Story

    Rebecca Caudill, Mary Sarah Agliotta, Bethlehem Books

    Audiobook (Bethlehem Books, March 23, 2016)
    School in the Kentucky hills goes from August to the last Friday before Christmas. After that the snows are too high, and later, the thawing rivers too full, for the Fairchild children, and their neighbors, the Wattersons, the Sawyers, and the Huffs to make it safely to the little school house in the woods. Now that Althy is 14, Mr. Fairchild has other plans for the long winter months. Learn, along with Bonnie, Debbie, Chris, and Emmy, what it is like to have school at home in the early 1900s. The fourth and final book in the Fairchild Family series.
  • Once Upon a Time Saints

    Ethel Pochocki, Ken Fast, Bethlehem Books

    Audiobook (Bethlehem Books, July 1, 2015)
    These stories are meant to show human and lovable people whose mysterious passion for God led them into preposterous escapades. With an eye on the taste of a child for concrete detail and no apologies for the embroidery of legend, each tale, in a style akin to fairy-tale, sets forth the unique qualities of a Genevieve, a Felix, a Dorothy, or Comgall-16 real saints brought unforgettably to our attention and admiration.
  • The Hidden Treasure of Glaston

    Eleanore M. Jewett, John Lee, Bethlehem Books

    Audiobook (Bethlehem Books, April 15, 2015)
    Amidsgreat mystery Hugh is left in the care of Glastonbury Abbey by his father, who must flee England too swiftly to be burdened by a crippled son. Ashamed of his physical weakness yet possessed of a stout heart, Hugh finds that life at the abbey is surprisingly full in this year 1171, in the turbulent days of King Henry II. Hugh; his friend, Dickon; and their strange friend, the mad Bleheris, uncover a treasure trove and with it a deeper mystery of the sort that could only occur in Glastonbury, where Joseph of Arimithea was said to have lived out his last years. Before all is done, more is resolved than Hugh could ever have hoped.
  • Five for Victory: The Mitchells, Book 1

    Hilda Van Stockum, Mary Sarah Agliotta, Bethlehem Books

    Audible Audiobook (Bethlehem Books, June 30, 2016)
    The five Mitchell children are based on the author's own family. In the first of three books about their adventures, Daddy has just gone off to World War II. One of his final words to his daughter Joan is, "No dogs!" She would dearly love such a pet, but life is full and so many new friends - pets as well as people - join the Mitchells, so she hardly has time to think about dogs. The children form a club to do their part for the war-effort - first and foremost helping Mother, of course. Humorous and tender incidents make the Mitchells truly unforgettable.
  • The Story of Rolf and the Viking Bow: Living History Library

    Allen French, John Lee, Bethlehem Books

    Audible Audiobook (Bethlehem Books, June 10, 2015)
    Rolf, son of Hiarandi the Unlucky, is a character who exemplifies the effect of Christ's teachings upon the Icelandic people during their heroic age. The book is set in Iceland in the days when Christianity has come to the island though the old customs still linger. Hiarandi, at the urging of his wife, does an unprecedented thing: he lights a signal fire on a dangerous point of his land, thereby challenging the accepted custom which places lucrative salvage at higher value than the saving of life. However, the life that is saved that night causes his own death and the unjust outlawing of his son Rolf. Rolf's response to this injustice creates a suspenseful, thought-provoking tale difficult to put down.
  • Madeleine Takes Command: Living History Library

    Ethel C. Brill, Allison Bernhoff, Bethlehem Books

    Audiobook (Bethlehem Books, Feb. 2, 2015)
    Madeleine Verchère's story is based on a true account of colonial French Canada of the 1690s. Harassed by Iroquois, the Verchère family's fort must keep a continual guard. 14-year-old Madeleine is left alone with two younger brothers and few others when the Indians attack. We follow the brave and determined stratagems of Madeleine and her small circle. Madeleine's youthful leadership, especially of her brothers, will win the reader's admiration.
  • Victory on the Walls: A Story of Nehemiah

    Frieda Clark Hyman

    Paperback (Bethlehem Books, Nov. 12, 2016)
    Thirteen-year-old Bani, though born in Jerusalem, has lived from infancy with his uncle in beautiful Susa, the city of the Persian King Artaxerxes. Now, his Uncle Nehemiah wants to leave his position of high honor as Cupbearer to the King to return to Jerusalem, a city in ruins and beset by every kind of trouble! Nehemiah's request of the king, permission to return to help his own people, could so easily in an empire riddled with political intrigue be misconstrued as treasonous scheming. Bani himself is given an unexpected part to play, the outcome of which is to forever change his life. Seen through the eyes of Bani, this novel dramatizes a turning-point of history, in 445 BC, when through confrontation and daring risks Judaism was re-established in the Promised Land, and purified for her unfolding mission.