The Re-Creation of Brian Kent.
Harold Bell Wright
(Chicago: Book Supply Co., Jan. 1, 1919)
ILLUSTRATIONS By J. ALLEN ST. JOHN. COLOR FRONTISPIECE OF A YOUNG LADY! His ninth book about life and love in the Ozarks. "The Re-Creation of Brian Kent," a novel of life and love in the Ozarks, is sweet and appealing in its pathos and vibrant with the local color of "The Shepherd of the Hills" country. The story is rich in philosophy, charming in description, masterful in character portrayal, tense with dramatic action. Brian Kent, Auntie Sue, Judy and Betty Jo are more than creations - they are actual living human beings. There are thrilling incidents related with such vivid realism that one reads with breathless interest. And yet the fascinating power of the story is rather in the clean cut analysis of life and character, and in the skillful visualization of the clash and conflicts of life's invisible forces out of which the thrilling incidents come.