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Books published by publisher Arthur Barker Limited

  • The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy

    Douglas Adams

    Hardcover (Arthur Barker Limited, March 15, 1979)
    Fictional Novel, Literary Fiction
  • Life in a Medieval City

    Joseph Gies, Frances Gies

    Hardcover (Arthur Barker, March 15, 1969)
    Life in a Medieval City is the classic account of the year 1250 in the city of Troyes, in modern-day France. Acclaimed historians Frances and Joseph Gies focus on a high point of medieval civilization-before war and the Black Death ravaged Europe-providing a fascinating window into the sophistication of a period we too often dismiss as backward. Urban life in the Middle Ages revolved around the home, often a mixed-use dwelling for burghers with a store or workshop on the ground floor and living quarters upstairs. A developed economy, focusing on textiles, farming, and financial services, could be found in the town center, where craftsmen competed for business while adhering to the guilds' codes of conduct. There were schools for the children, though only boys could attend and the lessons were taught in Latin by a priest. The church was a hub of both religious and civic life; services were lively and filled with song, and baptisms and other special occasions brought neighbors together to celebrate. The weddings of wealthier townsfolk were lavish affairs full of song and dance and drinking that could sometimes last for weeks.
  • I'll Cry Tomorrow

    Lillian Roth

    Hardcover (Arthur Barker Limited, March 15, 1955)
  • The Restaurant at the End of the Universe

    Douglas Adams

    Hardcover (Arthur Barker Ltd., March 15, 1980)
    When all questions of space, time, matter and the nature of being have been resolved, only one question remains - "Where shall we have dinner?" "The Restaurant at the End of the Universe" provides the ultimate gastronomic experience, and for once there is no morning after to worry about. This is volume two in the Trilogy of five.
  • Flying Lion

    Max Kruse

    Hardcover (Arthur Barker, March 15, 1969)
    Juvenile fiction.
  • I'll Cry Tomorrow

    Lillian Roth; (Collaborators) Mike Connolly And

    Hardcover (Arthur Barker, March 15, 1956)
  • Great escape stories

    Eric Williams

    Hardcover (Arthur Barker, March 15, 1958)
  • Winter's Tail

    David English, Jan Brychta

    Hardcover (Arthur Barker, Nov. 3, 1988)
  • Man Without a Shadow: The Diary of an Existentialist

    Colin Wilson

    Hardcover (Arthur Baker Limited, March 15, 1963)
  • Bunnybados

    Jan (illustrations) English, David; Brychta

    Hardcover (Arthur Barker, March 15, 1986)
  • The Bunburys Down Under

    David ENGLISH

    Hardcover (Arthur Barker, March 15, 1987)
  • Up the Down Staircase

    Bel Kaufman

    Hardcover (Arthur Barker, Aug. 16, 1964)