Endangered Baby Animals
(Antioch Pub, March 1, 1991)
Endangered Baby Animals - How to help endangered animals - Learn about the animals. The more you know about them, the more you can help them. Learn by: reading books and nature magazines; watching TV programs about wildlife; or going to a zoo, animal park, or nature museum. Support zoos and organizations that try to save, protect, and breed wild animals. Write to ask them how to help. Don't keep an animal as a pet that was taken from the wild, and ask others not to do so. Help clean up the environment. Recycle things. The cleaner the earth is, the better chance animals have to survive - and humans too. Baby Elephants - Baby Wolves - Baby Pandas - Baby Tigers - Baby Snow Leopards - Baby Grizzly Bears - Baby Harp Seals - Baby Cougars - Baby Polar Bears