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Books published by publisher Anthony L White

  • ...But What Do I Eat with No Teeth?!: Your Questions Answered: Understanding the Denture Process from Extraction to Delivery

    Mark Anthony White, David Margittai

    Audible Audiobook (Mark Anthony White, July 2, 2018)
    Know exactly what to expect when getting dentures, from extractions to the process you'll go through and beyond! It's all here! This audiobook was created to give my patients and you, the listener, information of the denture process, how it is created, and things to make the process easier. This audiobook strives to answer all your questions before you have them and to help you be prepared for the amazing journey ahead. Whether it is yourself, your husband, wife, mother, father, grandparent, or anyone in between, this audiobook was created so you can share with him or her aspects of the journey ahead. This audiobook is perfect if you or someone close to you will be undergoing the denture process soon. This audiobook will help you with the burning questions about the complete denture process you: A. Were too afraid to ask B. Forgot to ask C. Didn't know you had Optimizing oral health is important, and going into the denture process knowing what is going to happen does a lot of good for patients. It allows them to ease their mind and focus on the end goal, which is the smile he or she has been wanting for years. Agreeing to and beginning the denture process is a big decision for most people, and I want you to be as prepared as possible. ...But What Do I Eat with No Teeth?! The most common questions answered here in this audiobook! It includes a shopping list and recipes to get you through your initial healing period after tooth extractions! Learn new recipes and develop new tastes. Why dentures? If you're like me and like to know the details and the "why", this audiobook will demystify the denture process for you to improve your overall experience. In this audiobook, you'll learn the reasons for needing dentures, the process you'll go through step by step, from the extraction appointment and beyond, and what to expect, along with recipes and food lists that will get you through your journey. Enjoy!
  • Z Chronicles The Beginning

    A L White

    (Anthony L White, Nov. 10, 2017)
    All of civilization is drawing its last breaths as the grip of the zombie apocalypse tightens on the world. In the last days of government efforts to stem the spreading plague, Lori's parents are taken away when found to be infected--leaving her to look out for her two younger siblings, Jay and Virginia. Barely an adult in her own right, Lori must keep them alive, armed only with her wits and the little training her father's 'prepper' hobby instilled in her. They struggle not only to avoid the hoards of undead monsters roaming their former neighborhood and town, but also to stay sheltered, warm, and fed with resources scarce and sometimes deadly to retrieve. With the help of a fellow 'prepper, ' Bob, and his two playful yet fearsome dogs, they will face the roaming corpses of mindless zombies and an even more dangerous threat moving amongst them.