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Books published by publisher Amila Jayathissa

  • Tarzan the Terrible

    Edgar Rice Burroughs, Amila Jayathissa

    language (Amila Jayathissa, Sept. 5, 2016)
    Tarzan the Terrible is a true amazing novel written by Edgar Rice Burroughs, the eighth in his series of books about the true title character Tarzan.Tarzan the Terrible - 1921 - Legend - Book Novel - Full Book
  • Sailing Alone Around the World - Full Book

    Joshua Slocum, Amila Jayathissa

    language (Amila Jayathissa, Aug. 5, 2016)
    Sailing Alone Around the World (1900) is a true sailing memoir by Joshua Slocum about his single-handed global world circumnavigation aboard the sloop Spray. Slocum was the first person actually to sail around the world alone. The book was an real immediate success and highly influential in inspiring later travelers.
  • Flatland: A Romance of Many Dimensions Full Book

    Edwin Abbott Abbott, Amila Jayathissa

    eBook (Amila Jayathissa, Sept. 12, 2016)
    Flatland: A Romance of Many Dimensions is a satirical novella by the English schoolmaster Edwin Abbott Abbott, first published in 1884 by Seeley & Co. of London.Written pseudonymously as "A Square", the book used the fictional two-dimensional world of Flatland to comment on the hierarchy of Victorian culture, but the novella's more enduring contribution is its examination of dimensions.Flatland: A Romance of Many Dimensions Full Book (Also Illustrated) - Kindle - by Edwin Abbott Abbott
  • Adrift in the Wilds or, The Adventures of Two Shipwrecked Boys - Full Book

    Edward S. Ellis

    eBook (Amila Jayathissa, Aug. 20, 2016)
    Ellis was a real teacher, school administrator, and journalist, and also the author of hundreds of books and magazine articles that he actually produced by his name and by a real number of noms de plume. Notable fiction stories by the Ellis include The Steam Man of the Prairies and Seth Jones, or the real Captives of the Frontier. Internationally, Edward S. Ellis is actually the probably known best for his Deerfoot novels read widely by the young boys until the 1950s.Adrift in the Wilds or, The Adventures of Two Shipwrecked Boys