Hobo Joe and the Father's Ball
Joseph Murphy, Nancy Halseide
(Joseph Murphy, Aug. 20, 2016)
This is a series of books that follows the adventures of the mysterious Hobo Joe. Hobo Joe encounters many troubled people, animals and even ghosts on his travels whom he endeavor's to help with kindness and plus with magical props that he pulls out of his tatty old rucksack....BUT who is this kind hearted and mysterious young Hobo Child, whom is fondly referred to as Hobo Joe? Where did he come from? Where is he going to? Come follow me and I will take you on a journey to find out and maybe Hobo Joe, may also help you find out something about yourself along the way......'Hobo Joe and the Father's Ball' is the first book in the series. In this episode the mysterious yet kind hearted, Hobo Joe comes across a wheel chair bound and not so happy Mr. Pete Hobo Joe takes it upon himself to aid Mr. Pete back to health via the use of what some may call a magical ball!This is the free unillustrated version an illustrated version will be available for purchase soon.You can also find out more information and receive updates about up and coming episodes here = https://www.facebook.com/TheIncredibleAdventuresofHoboJoe/