Women and Economics
Charlotte Perkins Gilman
(Independently published, March 1, 2020)
This book iswritten to offer a simple and natural explanation of one of the most common andmost perplexing problems of human life,–a problem which presents itself toalmost every individual for practical solution, and which demands the mostserious attention of the moralist, the physician, and the sociologist–To show howsome of the worst evils under which we suffer, evils long supposed to beinherent and ineradicable in our natures, are but the result of certainarbitrary conditions of our own adoption, and how, by removing thoseconditions, we may remove the evil resultant–To point outhow far we have already gone in the path of improvement, and how irresistiblythe social forces of to-day are compelling us further, even without ourknowledge and against our violent opposition,–an advance which may be greatlyquickened by our recognition and assistance–To reach inespecial the thinking women of to-day, and urge upon them a new sense, not onlyof their social responsibility as individuals, but of their measureless racialimportance as makers of men.It is hopedalso that the theory advanced will prove sufficiently suggestive to give riseto such further study and discussion as shall prove its error or establish itstruth.CharlottePerkins Stetson