Thomas More
(Forgotten Books, Feb. 2, 2018)
Excerpt from UtopiaSure you looked for within a moneth and a halfe. Hnd no marveil. For you knewewellynough,thatasalreadye disbourdened of all the laboure and studye belongynge to the invention in this worke, and thati had no nede at al to trouble my braines about the disposition or conveiaunce of the matter: therfore had herein nothing els to do, but only to rehearse those thinges, whiche you and I togethers hard maister Raphael tel and declare. Wherefore there was no cause why I shuld study to set forth the matter with eloquencezforasmuchas his talke couldnot befineand eloquent, beynge firste, not studied for, but suddein unprem editate, then, as you know, of a man better sene in the Greke lan Quage then in the latin tonge. Hndmywritynge,theniegheritshouldapproche to his homely plain e, and simple speche, so muche the niegher shuld it go to the trueth: which is the onelye marke wher unto I do and ought to directe all my travail and study herin fl I graunte and confesse, frende Deter, myselfe dis charged of somuche laboure, havinge all these thinges ready done to my hande, thatalmooste therewasnothingeleftfor me to do. 6lles, either the invention or the disposition of this matter, myghte have required ofa witte,n either base,neil ther atallunlearned, both sometimeand leasure, and also some studie. But if it were requisite and necessarie that the matter shoulde also have bene wrytten eloquentlie, and not alone truelye of a sueretie that thynge coulde I have per fourmed by no tyme nor studyefi But now seynge all these cares, stayes, and lettes were taken awaye, wherin elles so muche laboure and studye shoulde have ben e em ploy ed, and that there remayn ed no other thynge forme to do, but onelye to write playnelie the matter as I hard it spoken: that in deede was a thynge zlighte and easye to be don e. Fiowbeit to the dispatchynge of thys so lytle busy: nesse, my other cares and troubles did leave almost lesse then no leasure.About the PublisherForgotten Books publishes hundreds of thousands of rare and classic books. Find more at www.forgottenbooks.comThis book is a reproduction of an important historical work. Forgotten Books uses state-of-the-art technology to digitally reconstruct the work, preserving the original format whilst repairing imperfections present in the aged copy. In rare cases, an imperfection in the original, such as a blemish or missing page, may be replicated in our edition. We do, however, repair the vast majority of imperfections successfully; any imperfections that remain are intentionally left to preserve the state of such historical works.