The Duke's Children: A Novel
Anthony Trollope
(Forgotten Books, March 25, 2010)
CHAPTER I. WHE~ 'fHE DUCHESS WAS DEAD, No one, probably, evcr fell himsclf to be more alone in the world than Ollr old friend, the Duke of Omnium, when thc Duchess died. Vhen this sad cvcnt happened hc had ccased to be Prime :Minister. During the first nine months after he had left office he and the Duchess remained in England, Then they had gone abroad, taking with them their th ... ee children, The eldest, Lord Si1vcrbridge, had Ueen a.t Oxford, uut had bnd his career there cut short by some more than ordinary youthful folly, n'hich had i Ilduced his fc'lther to agree with the college authorities that his name had better be taken off the college books,-all which had been cause of very great sorrow to the Duke. The other boy W(s to go to Cambridge; but his father had thought it Yell to give him a. twchcmonth's run on the Contjnent, under his own inspection, Lady ~1ary) the only daughter) was the youngcsl of the faintly, and she also had been with them on lhe Table of Contents CONTENTS; CHAP; I WHRN nil~ PUCtlESS WAS OFAO; 11 LAlJY ~fARY PALLISER; IlJ FRANCIS OLiPIIANT TRECEJR; lV PARK LANB; V JT IS TMrOSSJtLE; VI 1IIA]OR TIF"rO; l'Ir CONSERVATIVF, CONVICTTOK~; VIII III! IS A CENTLEMA~ •; lX II U, !IEDIAS kES II; •; •; " W1{Y NOT LIKE RO~fF(,), IF I FfF-J, TJI;:"~ ROM£O?; XI CRUEL t; XU AT lHCHMOXD • •; XIH TUE DUKIl1S JNJUSTICE • • ; :x IV THE NEW ME~IDER FOR SILVER1UllDG£ •; X ' 1'H~ DUKE RECEI '[S A LE TER AX l) "'~ITFS O~E; XVI rOOl{ 1l0Y •; XVIJ THJt PFlll'Y; ""-111 OXE OF THE RESULTS OF THF DrR1JY; :x IX "~O, ~IY LORD; [ DO N01' It; Xx THE:S HE WJLL CO~IE AGAJN; XXI SIR TIMOTHY n~ESWAX; XXII Tl{E PU}~E IN HtS STUDY : "I DI!':X£R AT 'HIE lIt:,WGA~Dl::~ •; :-':X"[I M"10a 'rIFf 0 ANO TUE; DUJC£ •; XXVIII, M~S, ~,IO:"'rACt:TE JONES'S CA~l,)KN-I',R1'Y; xx IX 'rUE LOVEnS ~IEET; X~X ,IlA'r CA:I~ OF THE MEETING;