Poetical works of Geoffrey Chaucer Volume 3
Geoffrey Chaucer
(RareBooksClub.com, May 9, 2012)
This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1861 Excerpt: ...alle, I yow biseche, If yow think that I varye as in my speche, As thus, though that I telle som what more Of proverbes, than ye2 have herd bifore Comprehended in this litel tretys here, To enforcen with theffect of my matiere, And though I not the same wordes say As ye have herd, yit to yow alle I pray, 1 All agree in the sense, though the manner of telling be different. 2 Ye has been adopted from the Lansd. MS. rather than /, the reading of the Harl. MS. Blameth me nought; for, in my sentence, Schul ye no wher fynde difference Fro the sentence of this tretys lite, After the which this litil tale I write. And therfor herkeneth what I schal say, And let me tellen al my tale, I pray.' THE TALE OF MELIBEUS. th1s tale, as Tyrwhitt informs us, is a mere translation from Le Livre de Melibe"e et de Dame Prudence, two copies of which are preserved in the British Museum, MSS. Reg. 19, c. vii. and xi., in French prose. Dufresnoy, Bibliot. des Bomans, vol. ii. p. 248, mentions two copies, en vers dans la Bibliothique Seguier; and a prose version inserted in the Minagier de Paris, an early work on domestic economy, lately republished by the Societe" des Bibliophiles Francois. It is an interesting example of the 'moral tale vertuous,' which Erasmus mentions in his JEcclesiasies, as forming part of the stock of a professional gestour. One of the most remarkable features of the story is the frequency of its references to Scripture, which prove that in Chaucer's time the Bible was familiar to the people. All these references will be found verified in the notes. It may be added that we have in this instance a strong evidence, if any evidence were needed since the publication of Dr. Maitland's Essays, that those who object in the present day to the general diffusi...