The life and exploits of the ingenious gentleman Don Quixote de la Mancha Volume 4
Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra
(, May 17, 2012)
This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1825 Excerpt: ...our own country, and among our friends, where, though our misfortunes had found no remedy, there would not be wanting some to grieve tor them, and, at our last gasp, to close our eyes. Oh. my companion and my friend f how ill have I repaid thy good services' forgive me, and beg of fortune, in th.' best manner thou art able, to bring us out of this miserable calamity, in which we are both involved. aod I promise to put a crjwn of laurel upon thy head, tha, thou mayest look like any poet-lanreat, and to double thy allowance. Thus lamented aucho Panza, and his beast listened to him without answering o,,e word. such was the distress and anguish the poor creature Was in. Finally, having p.'-seri all that night in sad lamentations and complaining. the day came on, by the ligitt and splendour of which Sancho soon perceived it nas, of all impossihilities, the most impossible t, get out of that pit without help. Then he began to lament, and to cry oul aloud, to try if any body could heir him: but ad i,U cries wore in the desert: for there was not a creature in nil,hos', parts u,th,n hearing; and then he gave him! over for oVad. i.,;,. lay with his mouth upwards, and Sane o contrived to gt t him upon his legs, though he could scarce stand: and pulling out of his wallet, which had also shared the fortune of the fall, a piece of bread, he gave it his beast who did not take it am,ss. and Sancho, as if the ass understood him, said to him: 'Bread is relief for all kind of grief.' At length he discovered a hole in one side of the pit, wide enough for H man to creep through stoop,ng. SaDcho, squalling down, crept through upon all tour, and found it was spac,ous and large within: an'! he could see about him; for a ray of the sun, glancing in through what miht be called the r...