Ana's First Day at School
Terrell Monks
Staple Bound
(AAA Printing, March 15, 2015)
Ana is both nervous and a bit excited about her new school, but as the first day draws closer, the nervousness grows. Mom and dad encourage Ana to envision a great day and a fun time at school, and to encourage herself when she feels scared. Ana does feel better when she is thinking positive thoughts, and she is able to help a new friend who is feeling afraid. It is a good day. My book, "Ana's First Day at School" was written for my daughter Anastasia as she starts preschool. I started a new school so very many times as I grew up, and each time I felt scared and vulnerable. I remember worrying about what the other kids would say and do. I wondered if the teacher would be mean. I feared the new school and the new faces every time. I desperately want my daughter and your children to not experience that same fear. Our children can look forward to a new experience, new friends, and learning new things. In this book I draw on the ideas of Brian Tracy, Dale Carnegie, and others to build an expectation of fun, success, new friends and a happy day at school. In this life we usually get (perceive) what we expect. Therefore, I want to build positive expectations.