Pinky's Great Adventure
Donnie McGraw, John Patrick Grace, Debbie Richardson
(Mid-Atlantic Highlands Press, March 1, 2014)
The barn was ancient and sat on a flat behind the farm house. It leaked and learned, and threatened to collapse when high winds roared. It has not been painted since before the tractor was abandoned. The five resident animals looked out at the world with suspicion, for they were the only survivors of a large barn yard population. The animals were an odd bunch: the goat, the rooster, the owl, the donkey, and the cow. They caught a glimpse of a stranger as he came in from the road, before he darted into the tall grass. Strangers never seemed to bring any good news. Somewhere down there in the tall grass the stranger was working his way toward them. What if the stranger came to harm them? They would have to fight back. Why, this was there only home, and they must protect it. If they lost the battle, they were doomed. Finally, the stranger stood in front of the barn, and stared at the other animals for a long time. He was a large rat with pink eyes, and dirty jeans, held up by red-suspenders. He wore dirty red tennis shoes and an ancient leather hat. His tail was curled up against his back. "Your barn looks ready to fall in, if you ask me!" the rat grumbled. The barn family stared at him in silence. "I'm a dinner guest!" he roared. "Where are the tea and crumpets?" He gave them a loud belly laugh.