100 Prayers for Children
Sandra Schroeder
(Word Alive Press, Aug. 3, 2017)
100 Prayers for Children is a wonderful tool for parents toutilize in teaching their children to have a one-on-one relationship withGod through prayer. Sandra’s book encourages children over the age of eightto start a journey to get to know their Heavenly Father, through prayer andscripture verses at the end of each prayer. Memorization of key verses canalso end up lasting a lifetime, to help in times of need.This book is designed to be read with a parent or grandparent, however,as your child develops and grows in stature, they will be able to dive intothe prayers by themselves. It is Sandra’s hope that your child will find that greater adventure withGod in having their prayers answered as they come into an honestrelationship with Jesus Christ.