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Books published by publisher Ozymandias Press

  • Dope

    Sax Rohmer

    eBook (Ozymandias Press, Jan. 19, 2018)
    Dope is not a Fu Manchu novel, and concerns itself with cannabis rather than opium. It is based on the story of Billie Carleton, a young English actress whose scandalous lifestyle ended with her death from a drug overdose in 1918...
  • Max Brand - Riders Of The Silences

    Max Brand

    eBook (Ozymandias Press, July 14, 2015)
    Max Brand's classic western reimagined as an epic fantasy that brings Greek Mythology to the 19th Century American Frontier! Red Pierre blazed a trail of vengeance that stretched from the frozen Canadian tundra to the scorching desert of the American South West searching for the half-man half-Nightfallen gunfighter that murdered his father. Possessed with a supernatural power, McGurk survived hundreds of gunfights without a single scratch, but he never faced anyone like Red Pierre - A Sunslinger with the power of Promethean fire. After six years of riding outlaw with the Jim Boone gang, the only thing standing between Pierre and McGurk is a remarkable woman with power and secrets of her own. Filled with action, adventure, romance and thrills, Sunslinger: Rider’s of the Silences transports readers to a very different version of the American Wild West where outlaws undertook Herculean quests to rival those of ancient Greek myth.
  • The Flying U's Last Stand

    B. M. Bower

    eBook (Ozymandias Press, May 12, 2012)
    This book was converted from its physical edition to the digital format by a community of volunteers. You may find it for free on the web. Purchase of the Kindle edition includes wireless delivery.
  • Jean of the Lazy A

    B. M. Bower

    eBook (Ozymandias Press, May 12, 2012)
    This book was converted from its physical edition to the digital format by a community of volunteers. You may find it for free on the web. Purchase of the Kindle edition includes wireless delivery.
  • The Hidden Children

    Robert Chambers

    eBook (Ozymandias Press, May 27, 2016)
    Robert W. Chambers' The Hidden Children (1914), a tale set among the Iroquois confederacy.
  • Olaf the Glorious

    Robert Leighton

    eBook (Ozymandias Press, Jan. 29, 2018)
    The following narrative is not so much a story as a biography. My hero is not an imaginary one; he was a real flesh and blood man who reigned as King of Norway just nine centuries ago. The main facts of his adventurous career--his boyhood of slavery in Esthonia, his life at the court of King Valdemar, his wanderings as a viking, the many battles he fought, his conversion to Christianity in England, and his ultimate return to his native land--are set forth in the various Icelandic sagas dealing with the period in which he lived. I have made free use of these old time records, and have added only such probable incidents as were necessary to give a continuous thread of interest to the narrative. These sagas, like the epics of Homer, were handed down from generation to generation by word of mouth, and they were not committed to writing until a long time after Olaf Triggvison's death, so that it is not easy to discriminate between the actual facts as they occurred and the mere exaggerated traditions which must surely have been added to the story of his life as it was told by the old saga men at their winter firesides. But in most instances the records corroborate each other very exactly, and it may be taken that the leading incidents of the story are historically true.
  • The Pirates of Ersatz

    Murray Leinster

    eBook (Ozymandias Press, Jan. 30, 2018)
    Sometimes it seems nobody loves a benefactor ... particularly nobody on a well-heeled, self-satisfied planet. Grandpa always said Pirates were really benefactors, though. Murray Leinster weaves a science fiction masterpiece!
  • Redgauntlet

    Walter Scott

    eBook (Ozymandias Press, Jan. 30, 2018)
    Set in the mid-eighteenth century in the fictitious third Jacobite rebellion, Redgauntlet (1824) tells of Darsie Latimer, a student of law who becomes embroiled in a plot to put Prince Charles Edward (aka, Bonnie Prince Charlie) on the British throne. The events in Redgauntlet never actually took place, but they are probable, and form the culmination of Scott's series of Jacobite novels...
  • Tales of Space and Time

    H.g. Wells

    eBook (Ozymandias Press, Aug. 4, 2016)
    A collection of three sci-fi short stories and two sci-fi novellas written between 1897 and 1898."The Crystal Egg" "The Star" "A Story of the Stone Age" "A Story of the Days To Come""The Man Who Could Work Miracles"
  • The Machine that Saved the World

    Murray Leinster

    eBook (Ozymandias Press, May 25, 2016)
    They were broadcasts from nowhere—sinister emanations flooding in from space—smashing any receiver that picked them up. What defense could Earth devise against science such as this?
  • The Prince and the Page

    Charlotte Yonge

    (Ozymandias Press, June 24, 2016)
    A fine evening—six centuries ago—shed a bright parting light over Alton Wood, illuminating the gray lichens that clung to the rugged trunks of the old oak trees, and shining on the smoother bark of the graceful beech, with that sidelong light that, towards evening, gives an especial charm to woodland scenery. The long shadows lay across an open green glade, narrowing towards one end, where a path, nearly lost amid dwarf furze, crested heather, and soft bent-grass, led towards a hut, rudely constructed of sods of turf and branches of trees, whose gray crackling foliage contrasted with the fresh verdure around. There was no endeavour at a window, nor chimney; but the door of wattled boughs was carefully secured by a long twisted withe.A halbert, a broken arrow, a deer-skin pegged out on the ground to dry, a bundle of faggots, a bare and blackened patch of grass, strewn with wood ashes, were tokens of recent habitation, though the reiterations of the nightingale, the deep tones of the blackbird and the hum of insects, were the only sounds that broke the stillness.Suddenly the silence was interrupted by a clear, loud, ringing whistle, repeated at brief intervals and now and then exchanged for the call—"Leonillo! Leon!" A footstep approached, rapidly overtaken and passed by the rushing gallop of a large animal; and there broke on the scene a large tawny hound, prancing, bounding, and turning round joyfully, pawing the air, and wagging his tail, in welcome to the figure who followed him.This was a youth thirteen years old, wearing such a dress as was usual with foresters—namely, a garment of home-spun undyed wool, reaching to the knee, and there met by buskins of deer-skin, with the dappled hair outside; but the belt which crossed one shoulder was clasped with gold, and sustained a dagger, whose hilt and sheath were of exquisite workmanship. The cap on his head was of gray rabbit- skin, but a heron's plume waved in it; the dark curling locks beneath were carefully arranged; and the port of his head and shoulders, the mould of his limbs, the cast of his features, and the fairness of his complexion, made his appearance ill accord with the homeliness of his garb. In one hand he carried a bow over his shoulder; in the other he held by the ears a couple of dead rabbits, with which he playfully tantalized the dog, holding them to his nose, and then lifting them high aloft, while the hound, perfectly entering into the sport, leapt high after them with open mouth, and pretended to seize them, then bounded and careered round his young master with gay short barks, till both were out of breath; and the boy, flinging the rabbits on the turf, threw himself down on it, with one arm upon the neck of the panting dog, whose great gasps, like a sobbing of laughter, heaved his whole frame...
  • The Seventh Man

    Max Brand

    eBook (Ozymandias Press, June 5, 2016)
    The story of the larger-than-life western character, Dan Barry, known as “Whistling Dan,” and his alter-ego companions, Black Bart, the wolf-dog, and Satan, the indomitable black stallion...