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Books published by publisher Outskirts Press, Inc.

  • Alex and Tony Learn to be Gentlemen

    Antonee Boykin

    Paperback (Outskirts Press, July 25, 2011)
    Alex and Tony are observant seven year old fraternal twin brothers who admire their parents and are constantly learning from each of them. One morning during breakfast when Tony finally decides to ask dad why he always pulls out a chair from under the table for mom to sit down, Alex and Tony both learn a valuable lesson about what it means to be a gentleman. It isn't until later that day at school that the boys are able to actually put that lesson to use and experience what it feels like to be gentlemen. In the first of an upcoming series of children's character building books from author, Antonee Boykin, Alex and Tony Learn to be Gentlemen is perfect lesson teaching literature that will undoubtedly spark dialogue in families and schools about the importance of courteous behavior. It's an ideal book for children of both sexes in that it not only focuses on how little boys should conduct themselves as gentlemen but also how little girls should expect to be treated as well. Alex and Tony's father serve as an excellent example for his young sons in the way that he acts towards their mother. He also further displays exemplary role model characteristics in the way that he takes time to carefully explain to his children why he treats their mother the way that he does and why it is equally as important for them to behave as gentlemen towards the girls and women that they encounterGeared towards K-3 elementary school age children, Alex and Tony Learn to be Gentlemen, is a must read for children of both sexes and all races.
  • Sophie and Max Go Tumbling in Spacetime Again

    Antoinette Corum

    language (Outskirts Press, Inc., Oct. 17, 2017)
    One rainy evening, a beautiful young research scientist falls victim to an unknown assailant. Mortally wounded, she is dumped in a nearby alley. Her breath becomes irregular until one final gasp remains. At that precise instant, a power greater than any other intervenes. With a blinding shaft of light attended by a great rift in the fabric of space and time, a force seizes that last breath and creates a new life form. The body is sleek and lithe; the head is wedge-shaped; the ears are large and triangular. It wears a creamy coat with dark feet and tail. Peering from a burnt umber face, large sapphire eyes glimmer. Her bearing is regal and in another life, perchance, she was an Egyptian queen.Meet Sophie! She is a Siamese cat who will embark on a magical journey to reclaim her former life as a human. She is rescued from the cold wet alley by an old man who takes pity on the bedraggled cat. Mr. Cavaliere introduces Sophie to Max, a mangy mongrel, who shares his home. It is hatred at first sight. Sophie looks down her nose at Max for obvious reason—he has no pedigree. To Max, Sophie is a snooty interloper. But it quickly becomes apparent that Sophie is going to need Max's help. That means toning down her personality and keeping a civil tongue in her head, neither of which comes naturally to Sophie.Meet Max! He is a mixed breed mongrel of doubtful ancestry—no pedigree in his recent bloodline. But what he lacks in stellar lineage, he makes up for in loyalty and affection for the old man and his family. The cat is another matter. Max thinks Sophie is nothing but a pain in the butt—and a rival for the old man's affection. When Max learns that Sophie believes she is really a human in feline form, he also thinks she's nuts. She is a troublesome interruption is his normally carefree life and he wants his old life back. Max decides to help Sophie so that he can be rid of her sooner than later. His days may be fairly routine and uneventful, but that's the way he likes things—or so he believes. Meet Mr. Cavaliere! He owns the building which houses The White Knight Bookstore and lives in the apartment above it. He sells more used books than new, but also trades in rare editions which come his way from time to time. Other than Max, his family consists of his son's widow and two grandchildren who visit him occasionally. In his senior years, he is content with his life, believes in the Golden Rule, and helping the less fortunate.Meet Madame Giselle! She is one of Mr. C's tenants and the proprietor of Ye Olde New Age Shoppe next door to the book shop. Among the typical merchandise one expects to find in this type of establishment, Madame Giselle sells a wide variety of crystals that are all but guaranteed to solve your problems and fix what ails you. Beneath a scatterbrained demeanor, Madame Giselle displays a keen sensitivity for matters that cannot always be explained. Through the use of ancient books, powerful crystals, and magic chants, Sophie and Max set off together on adventures across space and time. In their travels, in both animal and human form, they meet a helpful wizard and an evil villain. They learn the value of cooperation and trust. They learn how to compromise and improvise on the spot. They also learn that a little knowledge can be a dangerous thing. But, in looking out for each other, they learn the true meaning of friendship.
  • Girls vs Boys

    Ike Eni

    eBook (Outskirts Press, Inc., June 26, 2015)
    It’s that time of the year again, and summer camp is about to begin! An excited Cindy is looking forward to finally leading her team of girls to a victory over the boys’ team, led by Bill—her bigger, bullying cousin—at this year’s annual games. Never in the three-year history of the outdoor games have the girls beaten the boys, and Cindy and her friends are determined to bring home the trophy this summer. Will they finally be able to break their losing streak against the boys? Fun, excitement, and a healthy dose of rivalry take these kids to another level in Girls vs. Boys, where the competition is on—and so is the fun!
  • The Legend of the Icelandic Yule Lads

    Heidi Herman

    Paperback (Outskirts Press, March 11, 2015)
    After accidentally being seen by a human, an Icelandic Yule Lad named Stekkjastaur finds he must rely on a young shepherd boy to keep his troll identity a secret. Stekkjastaur gives a gift just to ensure the child's silence, but the little boy's happiness makes Stekkjastaur happy as well. He learns that one of the greatest gifts you can receive is the joy in giving to someone else. One by one, the Yule Lads each take a break from his own mischief, and each one learns the happiness gained from gift-giving. Even from a source as unlikely as a troll, a selfish act wrapped up in the Christmas spirit can grow into something wonderful.Iceland's rich history of legends and folktales featuring a host of mystical creatures is reflected in this unique Christmas tale about trolls. This modernized version of the Icelandic Yule Lads brings new life to a very old story. The legend of the Yule Lads is well-known among Icelanders and has been passed down from generation to generation for over 1,500 years.The original tale was told to discourage bad behavior in youngsters and had a distinctly bogeyman vibe. After a law was passed in 1746 by the Danish government to prohibit parents from terrorizing their children with the Yule Lad stories (and their ogre-mother, Gryla), the Yule Lads gradually became the mischievous pranksters they are in modern stories.
  • It All Started with a Bicycle

    Plum McCauley

    language (Outskirts Press, Inc., Sept. 22, 2011)
    Is there a treasure hidden somewhere in the big house next door? That’s what eleven-year-old Pam has to find out, at the request of the little old lady who lives there. And that’s not the only puzzle that Pam has to solve this summer. For instance, is she seeing things, or is that her stolen bicycle being ridden around town by some strange, fair-haired girl? And why on earth is the old woman at the candy shop where Pam is working so incredibly mean to her? Pam begins to unravel all of these mysteries with the help of two new friends, and discovers a whole lot more than she bargained for. By the time she’s solved them all, Pam is a changed person, and the very meaning of the word “treasure” has changed for her forever.
  • Posey Tales

    Shirley Posey

    Paperback (Outskirts Press, July 2, 2020)
    "Posey Tales" are true, humorous individual stories about the 5 ambitious Posey children when they were small. Children are inquisitive and the titles of each story give a hint as to what the story is about to raise the curiosity of children. Each story has a special little character that follows the child. The children will have fun finding the Frog, Cricket, Bird, Kitty, or Dog that follows the child and sometimes hides on some pages. Children will be able to understand and relate to the stories because they are written in their language style. Each story has an "intended lesson learned message" to help children with making correct decisions. At the end of each story, the children reading the book are asked if they know what lesson the Posey child has learned and asks them to turn to the next page for the answer. An adorable photo of each child, at the age of the story, appears with their short message on the lesson they learned. These stories will not only relate and be loved by children, but adults will also be able to relate and enjoy them as well. We all were small once upon a time.
  • Pop Pop's Moon

    Barbara Woodbury

    Paperback (Outskirts Press, April 4, 2018)
    A heartwarming tale of a grandfather's love. Alison was sad because she didn't want to go home to South Carolina. Just by looking into the sky, her grandfather assures her of his everlasting love!
  • The Golden Goblet: 200 Years in a Medieval Castle

    Faye Stine

    language (Outskirts Press, Inc., May 7, 2013)
    This is the exciting and compelling novel of the royal family of Thuron during the Crusades of the Middle Ages. Read about their wars with the invaders from the Holy Land and their seizing of the Golden Goblet of the Royal House of Thuron. The quest to return it to its rightful place in the Castle of Thurston is an exciting must to read. The defeat of Damon the evil ruler of the North Country and the climax of his exile from power is not to be forgotten. You must not miss this exciting and compelling novel about an era gone by that has shaped our destiny now. It is truly a compelling work to read that will be enjoyed by all ages. Read and you will enjoy this thrilling adventure of wonder and enjoyment in legend and in history. A must in good reading for all.
  • About Black Women, My Grandmother Told Me: Worthy Advice for Future Generations

    Narcisse Nguema

    Paperback (Outskirts Press, Jan. 31, 2019)
    Speaking frankly, not peddling fantasy, and writing honestly and sharply, in About Black Women, My Grandmother Told Me: Worthy Advice for Future Generations, Narcisse Nguema offers 791 bits of time-tested advice for everyone, but especially for African American women.Women are the core of society, and the black woman's authenticity is not a matter of negotiation or discomfort--the black authenticity is pride, and shall remain immaculate. The more black women accept themselves in their entirety, the better the black community will be.With Nguema's firm but clear guidance, readers of About Black Women will again claim the feminine behaviors that civilized culture before: the actions that built up ethics, morals and rules, and law and wealth.
  • The Rewriting of Time: Sequel to Children of the Gods

    Konrad Koenigsmann

    eBook (Outskirts Press, Inc., June 21, 2020)
    TIME DULLS EVEN THE MOST POTENT OF MEMORIES...In this third book of the trilogy, six years have passed since the cataclysmic series of events culminating in Pierre Hartford's victory over the Entity and the formation of a new realm. New Earth is a thriving planet, an idealized conception of Pierre's old home. Pierre in particular seems quite well-adjusted to his new lifestyle...perhaps almost too well-adjusted. When his world is once more turned on its head and he is again thrust into the center of events, Pierre is caught off guard, afraid and confused, and faced with a series of foes the likes of which he has never encountered before. Surrounded by enemies and left with only a few allies, Pierre must come to terms with his divisive past and quickly adapt to his new situation. For this is an enemy unseen and unheard, striking only from the shadows, with a name spoken only in hushed tones. And as events spiral towards their seemingly inevitable conclusion, Pierre will come face-to-face with the most terrible choice of all. Can Pierre still prevail in the face of overwhelming odds? Or has he finally met his match?
  • Thirteen Gold Monkeys

    Benjamin Beck

    eBook (Outskirts Press, Inc., April 9, 2013)
    The Fight To Save An Endangered SpeciesA riveting story of idyllic life and unspeakable death in a tropical forest; human strengths and frailties; evil, crime, love, and loyalty; and the drive of remarkable and adorable monkeys to survive.
  • The Other Side of the Law

    Katelynn Renteria

    eBook (Outskirts Press, Inc., Aug. 7, 2017)
    Kay Verdant isn’t your typical high school sophomore. With her unique skill set, her extracurricular activities include catching criminals on dangerous missions and foiling evil schemes, topped off with finishing her homework. How does she do it? She attends Henderson High School, a school for spies, and learns the tricks of the spy trade. Together with her brother, Roy, and best friend, Scarlet, Kay completes her operations flawlessly. She’s always on target with her missions, until one day Kay meets an enigmatic stranger who changes her aim. When an underground tycoon threatens one of the world’s most precious cities, she finds herself having to trust this new, mysterious ally. She starts to wonder if life really is black and white, or if there are shadowy grays that can turn her entire world upside down. Kay Verdant soon learns that the line between herself and the other side of the law isn’t always so clear.