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Books published by publisher Christian Focus

  • Richard Wurmbrand: A Voice in the Dark

    Catherine MacKenzie

    eBook (Christian Focus Publications, Jan. 1, 2005)
    Arrested by the Government of Romania in the 1960's, Richard Wurmbrand was convicted of a crime - Loving Jesus. Using a flashback technique Catherine Mackenzie retells Richard's gripping, and at times gruesome story. Despite suffering years of mental and physical torture, God used Richard to witness to many people from prison guards to government officials. Even after his release from prison Richard prayed that if God could use him to reach others for Christ, to send him back. God heard his prayer and Richard was re- arrested and sent to prison for another period of torture. His story is inspirational.Thinking further topics and a timeline are features of the series and are included in this reprint."If you like this, you'll love this! Check out Ten Girls who made a difference by Irene Howat. This includes a chapter on Sabina Wurmbrand, Richard's wife."Catherine MacKenzie ~ Author and CF4K Editor
  • Hudson Taylor: An Adventure Begins

    Catherine MacKenzie

    eBook (Christian Focus Publications, Sept. 1, 2009)
    Hudson Taylor was a sickly child. He was often ill and had very poor eyesight. But God chose him to evangelise the Chinese. So at the age of 21 Hudson Taylor left the United Kingdom to sail half way round the world to China. Why did he do this? He did it to tell the Chinese people about the good news of Jesus Christ and to give them a message of hope.This story covers Hudson's childhood and traumatic teenage years as well as his life as well-known pioneer missionary. We see him in facing sickness, poverty, heartache and death and we see him trusting in God throughout.When in China he became like the Chinese in his dress and manner, which ostracised him from the other missionaries. He did eventually find love but difficulties did not end there as Hudson and his wife Maria saw some of their own children die and then eventually Maria herself died.This is a story of Romance and family ties but also of the amazing things that God can do through one person who is entirely given over to the cause of Christ.Includes thinking further topics."Hudson Taylor is a fascinating character for teenagers. Not only did he struggle through his own teenage years, as a young man he gets up to quite a few hair-raising escapades. If it weren't so dangerous, it would almost be laughable when you read about how he tried to dye is hair in the 'Chinese Style'. He used chemicals and a bucket and almost killed himself. But the blonde hair became black eventually (complete with pigtail and Hudson was amongst one of the first missionaries to really integrate culturally. He's a real hero of mine and I'd love him to be yours."Catherine MacKenzie ~ Author and CF4K EditorIf you like this, you'll love this: Again there is an option for the younger reader in the Little Lights series. The title: Could somebody pass the salt? takes the reader from Hudson Taylor's early childhood through to his adventures in China. Maria Taylor, Hudson Taylor's wife, is also included in Ten Girls who made a difference by Irene Howat.Catherine MacKenzie ~ Author and CF4K Editor
  • Jungle Doctor and the Whirlwind

    Paul White

    eBook (Christian Focus Publications, July 9, 2014)
    There is a stranger in the hospital compound - his pockets brimming with money; his clothes brighter than the sunset... and Maradadi is as full of trouble as a scorpion. Will the staff be deceived by his charm and his smooth words of fame and fortune? As the Jungle Doctor fights an epidemic, that is sweeping the East African countryside like a whirlwind, he finds he must also fight the destructive influence of this evil intruder. Another thrilling adventure from Paul White based in Mvumi Hospital, Tanzania.
  • Jungle Doctor's Africa

    Paul White

    language (Christian Focus Publications, July 11, 2014)
    Jungle Doctor and his team have their work cut out for them as they tackle meningitis, leprosy and other illnesses. It's just that very often in Africa each new day brings joy and sadness, love and loss. But with the love of Jesus Christ there is always hope.
  • Sarah & Paul Go To The Seaside

    Derek Prime

    Mass Market Paperback (Christian Focus, Nov. 30, 1999)
    This has now been replaced by a new edition: 9781845501594.
  • Mary Slessor: Servant to the Slave

    Catherine Mackenzie

    eBook (Christian Focus Publications, Nov. 1, 2010)
    Mary Slessor grew up in the slums of Dundee in the 1800's. Industry was booming but housing was sub- standard and life expectancy was low. Illness, disease and malnutrition killed many children before they reached the age of five. Mary was lucky - born into a poor family, abused by her father - she was still alive.Dundee was Mary's training ground for a far fiercer battle. Mary left the shores of Scotland while only in her early twenties to immerse herself in reaching the lost tribes of Calibar in West Africa. Her preparation in the slums of Dundee was the key ingredient to her success on the mission field - that and her tireless trust and belief in her Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. He was the reason she was there.Calibar today still remembers Mary Slessor, affectionately known as "Ma", her influence on that area of Africa was astounding.Superstition demanded that families kill twin babies and murder slaves and women at funerals - the Lord Jesus Christ that Mary Slessor brought to these people set them free from all that. They were set free from the law of sin and death.
  • Nate Saint: Operation Auca

    Nancy Drummond

    eBook (Christian Focus Publications, Sept. 3, 2012)
    Nate Saint peered eagerly over the edge of his big brother Sam's Challenger biplane. His heart thumped against his ribs in anticipation of takeoff. "You ready for this?" Sam asked. Nate nodded enthusiastically. "Well then, off we go!"Strapped securely in place in the open cockpit Nate grinned, and Sam grinned back. Then the engine sputtered and roared to life. They were on their way. It was Nate's first flight but it would be one of many that would eventually take him thousands of miles into the jungles of Ecuador. From the base of Shell Mera Nate would take part in countless operations to help missionaries spread God's word. From his vantage point in the skies Nate would scour the jungle floor in order to find the elusive Auca tribe who had never heard the truth of God's word.On January 8, 1956, Nate and some other missionaries flew to an area near an Auca village and landed at strip of sand that they had named Palm Beach. This was Nate's final flight for he and four other missionaries on the plane that day were martyred when tribesmen attacked with spears a few days later. Although this was Nate's last flight - it wasn't the end of his work. What he and the other martyred missionaries had done for the Kingdom of God convicted many to listen to God's call to mission. And the work of evangelism continued to the Aucas too. Many in that village came to accept Christ including several of the men who had thrown their spears on that terrible day.
  • Jungle Doctor to the Rescue

    Paul White

    eBook (Christian Focus Publications, July 13, 2014)
    This Jungle Doctor book will take you into adventures with a missionary doctor in Tanganyika (now Tanzania). The characters experience every day problems in a jungle sort of way - with hilarious outcomes and practical applications.There are dark and dangerous events at foot in Mvumi. The Jungle Doctor not only has to look out for the needs of his sick patients but he also has to keep an eye out for his staff. There is a poisoner on the loose and they are all in danger as Dawa, the witchdoctor has vengeance on his mind.
  • Input-Output

    Jo Boddam-Whetham

    eBook (Christian Focus Publications, Jan. 7, 2013)
    Jo Boddam-Whetham has written this book to get you into another book - the Bible. She aims to challenge and equip you to develop a regular, individual time of reading God's Word and praying. When you let God in his Word and his wisdom steer you in the right direction and help you to make the right choices. Reading God's Word and praying to him are an essential part of receiving God's input and ensuring the right output from your life. To know that God loves you and that there is nothing more that you can do to make him love you more than he does already - that's great. Reading the Bible and praying is not about making God love you more - it's about feeding and watering your soul so that your love for God grows and spills over, impacting your life and your world.
  • Frances Ridley Havergal: The Girl Who Loved Mountains

    Lucille Travis

    eBook (Christian Focus Publications, Nov. 11, 2014)
    Frances Ridley Havergal dreamed of the day when she would finally climb a mountain. Until that day arrived she simply enjoyed the beauty of fields, and hedgerows and moonlit skies. As Frances grew up she used her musical gifts and talents to share the good news of Jesus Christ - she wrote many Christian hymns including "Take my Life and let it Be". Eventually she did get to climb those mountains in Switzerland and share the gospel there too. For that was Frances Ridley Havergal's life - it was all about Jesus!
  • Jesus And His Kingdom

    , Mackenzie Cari

    Paperback (Christian Focus, Nov. 30, 1999)
  • Jungle Doctor's Enemies

    Paul White

    eBook (Christian Focus Publications, July 11, 2014)
    Native drums beat an eerie rhythm through the darkness of the jungle.The blind boy Mubofu had been secretly bringing children from hostile Chief Chikoti's village to the hopsital for treatment - but now the boy has mysteriously disappeared.Is this part of Chikoti's evil attack against the Doctor and his medicine? Will the Jungle Doctor prevail against the power of witchcraft?Another thrilling adventure from Paul White based in Myumi Hospital, Tanzania.