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Books published by publisher Boys Town Press

  • It's My Way or the Highway: Turning Bossy into Flexible and Assertive

    Julia Cook, Kyle Merriman

    eBook (Boys Town Press, July 16, 2019)
    Bossy behavior is tough to tolerate! And if there's one child who knows a thing or two about being bossy, it's Cora June! She points out her teacher's boring assignments. She dictates the games people plays at recess. She even objects to family dinners. If Cora June doesn't get her way in the classroom, on the playground, or at home, she can make life miserable for those around her. Cora June's mom and teacher are around to help her learn that there's a difference between being assertive and being bossy. And to be a good leader, people need to follow you. In comes the lesson on the power of flexibility! Read along as Cora June learns about values like respecting the wants and needs of others, not always needing to be the decision-maker. But she doesn't have to lose her own wants and needs in the process - just learn to be more flexible! Readers will enjoy watching Cora June embrace new experiences in this and the other titles in The Leader I'll Be book series. Readers have this to say: I work in the school system and these books are essential to molding and shaping young behaviors. These tools are vital to helping the children who struggle socially and behaviorally. A must! - Amazon Verified Purchaser This book really hit home for my bossy and sweet 4 year old. We are now working on being more flexible and we have a signal if she starts to be bossy that helps her remember to take a step back and listen to others wants/needs. - Amazon PurchaserThis book is a great gift for preschool kids and children ages 6-8, and the parents and teachers in their lives. Help kids learn to apply adaptive and flexible thinking into their everyday lives. Don't miss this and award-winning author Julia Cook's other entertaining and educational tales that help kids learn values, character, manners, social skills, and improve positive behavior!
  • Time to Get Started: A Story About Learning to Take Initiative

    Bryan Smith, Lisa M. Griffin

    eBook (Boys Town Press, July 14, 2019)
    Blake is busy! He's always moving and always has something going on. So why is it that people keep insisting that he do things he doesn't want to do? Why does he have to clean his room RIGHT NOW? He'll get to it EVENTUALLY! Luckily for Blake, his mom is there to work with him on the important skill of taking initiative. And she should know - she says he dad had to work with her on that same task when she was young. Blake and Mom explore WHY Blake doesn't want to get started, and they go through a few simple steps on how to take initiative and get things done. Will Blake be able to use these steps to get started on his work at home and at school? Find out in this title in the very popular Executive FUNction series.
  • Grit & Bear it!

    Tamara Zentic

    Paperback (Boys Town Press, Sept. 19, 2014)
    The thought-provoking illustrations and words will help to inspire students to persevere. Inspire students in grades 5-10 to develop social-emotional intelligence necessary for future success as they pursue their goals and dreams. In Grit & Bear It! students are introduced to the concept of grit through stunning illustrations and straight-forward statements. Use as a catalyst to expand the development of executive function skills such as planning, perseverance, and risk-taking. Help your students avoid giving up or taking the easy way out and to see mistakes and failures as opportunities for progress. The book is a pictorial reminder of the power of GRIT - Generating Relentless Inner Toughness.
  • What's In It For Me?

    Julia Cook, Anita DuFalla

    eBook (Boys Town Press, June 26, 2019)
    Noodle is always being told what to do. Pull the weeds. Make his bed. Kick the ball a certain way in soccer. Ugh! But he wonders, why? What's in it for him? Luckily, the adults in Noodle's life are there to teach him the importance of moving "need tos" into "I did its!" Join Noodle as he learns the value of practicing small chores now, so he'll be ready for life's big challenges later.
  • Freddie and Friends: Becoming Unstuck: A Story about Letting Go of Your Worry Bug

    Kimberly Delude, Brian Martin

    Paperback (Boys Town Press, Aug. 20, 2019)
    Squash Your Worry Bug Freddie is excited for everyone to meet his new friend, Betsy the Beetle. Unfortunately, Betsy has a constant companion, Murray...a notorious and pesky worry bug. He loves to whisper horrible what ifs into Betsy's ear, making her worry about every little thing. Betsy gets so flustered and weighed down by Murray, she repeatedly falls flat on her back, stuck legs up and has no idea how to get back on her feet. That's why Betsy's friends hatch a plan to get rid of Murray once and for all. Will it work? Will Betsy be able to kiss her worry bug goodbye forever? This tale about trying to stop anxiety in its tracks is part of the Freddie the Fly book series. Included are tips for parents, educators and counselors.
  • Peer Pressure Gauge

    Julia Cook, Anita DuFalla

    eBook (Boys Town Press, April 3, 2019)
    When Norbert is less than eager to try new food, he experiences first-hand what it's like to be on the receiving end of peer pressure. Norbert's imaginative descriptions of how it feels to have your peer pressure gauge continue to rise will draw readers in, while they witness his internal deliberation as he tries to let his inner voice shine. Teachers, parents, and kids alike will enjoy this imaginative story as they learn the skills necessary to triumph over this difficult issue.
  • He's Not Just Teasing! A Book about the Difference Between Teasing and Bullying

    Jennifer Licate, Suzanne Beaky

    Paperback (Boys Town Press, Sept. 22, 2020)
    A tale about the fragile friendships of boys and their willingness to stand up for others Malcolm has a problem. And his name is Joe. Malcolm is often the target of good-natured ribbing because he's an excitable scatterbrain. Malcolm knows the jokes and laughs at his expense are all in good fun and sometimes even teach him a lesson. But the snark coming from Joe isn't funny. Joe taunts and bullies Malcolm. When he attacks, Malcolm's friends do nothing. They are silent bystanders, and Malcolm is left to wonder why. Can he find the courage to ask them for help, or will Malcolm have to stand up for himself? >He's Not Just Teasing is a tale about bullying, the fragile friendships of boys, the willingness to stand up for others and the power of kindness.
  • A Good Friend: How to Make One, How to Be One

    Ron Herron, Val J. Peter

    eBook (Boys Town Press, July 28, 2011)
    Winner of The National Parenting Center's Seal of ApprovalThe success of virtually all interpersonal relationships hinges on the ability to be a friend.This book advises children in such areas as the basics of conversation and friendship do's and don'ts. Included are nine easy-to-follow "people" skills such as giving and receiving compliments, introducing yourself, and showing respect and sensitivity, that put getting along with others into manageable steps. A special chapter deals with the challenge of shyness, giving kids practical advice on how to conquer it and grow in self-confidence. For ages 10 and up.
  • The I in Integrity!

    Julia Cook, Kyle Merriman

    Paperback (Boys Town Press, Oct. 6, 2020)
    Cora June is learning a thing or two about doing the right thing - even when no one is looking! When Cora June half-heartedly cleans her room by taking a shortcut, Mom is quick to ask her about her integrity. Not really knowing what it means, Cora June assumes it's probably hidden under her bed, or in her closet.She continues to school, where she cheats on a spelling test, because, well, Impossibleis a hard word to spell. Right? When Cora June learns what integrity means, she realizes that she can't find hers! Fortunately, her mom is there to help her put the I in integrity. Follow Cora June as she learns about her integrity, and see if she can use it to right what she did wrong.
  • Boundaries: A Guide for Teens - Spiritual Version

    Val J. Peter, Tom Dowd

    Paperback (Boys Town Press, Sept. 1, 2000)
    This book invites teens to examine their lives and relationships within a religious context. It begins by helping you define what physical, emotional, spiritual, and sexual boundaries are. Stories of other teens illustrate how personal space and feelings can be either respected or violated in relationships with others. The book's journal format encourages you to reflect on and record feelings about your own relationships. Do people respect your boundaries? Has anyone ever made you feel uncomfortable in some way? Have you ever felt manipulated, intimidated, or mistreated by someone you regarded as a friend? How can you get a friendship that has gone wrong back on track? Use Boundaries: A Guide for Teens to help assess your relationships with family, friends, classmates, and God. Learn how to build close and satisfying friendships while guarding against being used or abused by others. Learn what it takes for you to be a good friend in return.
  • The Garden in My Mind: Growing Through Positive Choices

    Stephie McCumbee, Lisa M. Griffin

    Paperback (Boys Town Press, March 1, 2014)
    A story about ignoring distractions and making better choices. When Maci and Trey are pulled out of class because they mocked little-miss-perfect Shaina, their teacher offers them this advice: "Grass withers and flowers fade every time a bad choice is made." Those words went right over Trey's head. He didn't get it, but Maci understood... sort of. It was time for her to make better choices! But how can she do that when Trey is coaxing her to chat during quiet time and goof off during study time? What is she supposed to do? In this imaginative tale, Maci discovers how to "grow a beautiful garden" in her mind by taking responsibility for her actions and making better choices. She also sees how Trey's poor decisions and behaviors (disrupting class and distracting others) are hurting him. This lovely story, written by author Stephie McCumbee and illustrated by Lisa M. Griffin, is filled with rich imagery and valuable lessons for home, school and life!
  • Gas Happens!: What to Do When It Happens to You

    Julia Cook, Anita DuFalla

    eBook (Boys Town Press, Feb. 24, 2017)
    Passing gas in public often becomes a source of amusement in elementary classrooms. Parents and educators can diffuse any embarrassment or hilarity and teach children how to respond appropriately when gas happens. A mini-biology lesson about the digestive system and natural bodily functions is presented to kids in grades K-6. The humorous story will have them laughing while learning the social skill of what to do, what to say, and how to act during natural, everyday “gas leaks”.