Masterpieces of Mystery
Edgar Allan Poe
(Books,inc, March 15, 1960)
A collection of twenty-two of Edgar Allan Poe's classic mysteries, including:The Pit and the PendulumThe Premature BurialThe Masque of the Red DeathThe The Adventure of Hans PfaallThe Gold BugThe Balloon HoaxVon Kempelen and His DiscoveryMesmeric RevelationThe Case of M. ValdemarThe Tale of ScheherazadeMs. Found in a BottleThe Murders in the Rue MorgueThe Mystery of Marie RogêtThe Purloined LetterThe Black CatThe Fall of the House of UsherThe Cask of AmontilladoThe Imp of the PerverseThe Island of the FayThe Oval PortraitThe AssignationandThe Telltale Heart