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Books published by publisher BalboaPressAU

  • Dina Prima the Ballerina

    Mary E. Ciesa

    Paperback (BalboaPress, Oct. 23, 2013)
    Dina Prima wants to be a ballerina in the worst way. The only problem is her feet. They need "special shoes" first. "Especially ugly shoes" says Dina. Everyone teases her. But with a glimmer of hope and ballet lessons in the old neighborhood mansion, Dina realizes that her dream may come true. Join Dina as she prances and whirls, curtsies and bows the best she knows how, and discovers what a glimmer of hope can do for a girl who just wants to dance and twirl! "Dina Prima the Ballerina is the charming story of a spirited young girl whose determination and hope help her triumph over difficulties. Readers are sure to be inspired and entertained by how Dina makes her dream come true" Katherine R. Johnson-author, songwriter
  • Oaf in Ophir

    Daniel G Linsteadt

    (BalboaPress, July 27, 2016)
    A highlight of every summer for Emory and his little sister, Faye, was their special annual visit to their grandmother. At Baba’s house, the kids played by the streams, ate blackberries, watched deer, and ran through the woods to their heart’s desire. This summer, Emory was particularly intrigued by the rumor of a magical Oaf living near Baba after discovering his dad’s Ophir newspaper clippings. Emory was alert as he explored the streams and wandered through the woods. A flash of light up the hillside began the magical summer he hoped for. A voice floating through the air, the sound of wood twisting in the trees, and a glimpse of a ragged piece of cloth were the first hints of the Oaf. Baba was delighted by Emory’s adventures and urged him to offer a sandwich along with a note to the mysterious being who was revealing itself to Emory. The Oaf revealed his magic with nature after Emory was mysteriously protected from a mountain lion attack. Baba finally shared her encounters with the irresistible Oaf and his ways in the woods. Tantalizing encounters ensued when Faye arrived and the Oaf slowly befriended the children. The Oaf helped them discover their own personal relationship with nature and their own innate gifts of magic with the plants, trees, and wildlife. The elusive Oaf sparks the imagination, leaving the reader wishing for more! Captivating from beginning to end, Linsteadt weaves an enchanting lyrical tale of a family’s search for innocence and wisdom through their connection to nature. —Paula Peach, Teacher/Artist/Musician —Eric Peach, Author/Teacher
  • American Law Enforcement in Trilingual:

    Wayne L. Davis

    Paperback (BalboaPress, Dec. 9, 2016)
    This book is designed for young readers. This book may be helpful to students who are learning multiple languages. This book presents information about US local law enforcement work in three different languages (English, Japanese, and Traditional Chinese), which allows the students to make quick comparisons between the languages.
  • Superman Could Fly

    Michael Williams

    Paperback (BalboaPressAU, July 14, 2017)
    T his is a short collection of poetry for children, mothers, and grandmothers and contains relatable real-life inspiration plus a touch of imagination. Every mother has heard the words "watch this" and has felt that heartrending moment when their child leaps into danger.They all have wondered while scratching their heads in bemusement, "What did I do to deserve a child like this?" Mothers put up with more than most and deserve our thanks, especially mine.
  • Children’s Stories by Grandma Dee Dee

    Delores (Dee) Ray

    Paperback (BalboaPress, Oct. 5, 2016)
    This has a large variety of stories with lessons that teach children core values and kindness within their imagination.
  • I Am . . . Everything: Change the Hand that You’ve Been Dealt and Create an Abundant Life with Passion and Awareness

    Angela R. Nurse

    Paperback (BalboaPress, April 6, 2018)
    Finally, there is an easy-to-understand explanation of the Law of Attraction. The contents of this book are applicable and easy to implement.
  • Sitting with Auntie

    Michele Welch

    Paperback (BalboaPress, June 11, 2018)
    Adam went to the playground to have fun, but instead of coming home happy he arrived with a mad face and a head full of angry thoughts. Will he remember Auntie's calm-down tool before it's too late? When Adam stumbles upon Auntie meditating he's curious about what she's doing. Auntie immediately takes advantage of this teachable moment to guide him to follow his breath. Breathing techniques can build emotional resilience and calm the mind to help children to release the stresses of the day. Sitting with Auntie is a story that introduces a simple breathing meditation to children, so they can learn to manage and shift their negative thoughts and emotions. Jazmin Welch's beautiful illustrations bring to life characters who are inspired by gemstones from Michele Welch's extensive collection. Children, who often have their own rock collections, will love Auntie as a rose quartz and curious Adam as an orange calcite stone. The book also includes notes and additional breathing techniques for parents and teachers to try.
  • Down the Road

    Cameron Miller

    Paperback (BalboaPress, Oct. 6, 2017)
    For the first time in their lives Mike and Ron thought about leaving the old run down foster home. With no future to stay here they both decided to leave and head out of the city that is almost completely cut off from the rest of the country. All that's left are some homeless men scavenging through garbage cans and gangs roaming the streets blocking most of the exits and using the city as a new drug empire. Or so they say, nobody really knows their real purpose. To make matters worse there are reports by several people that a monster is roaming the city looking for prey. Mike and Ron could be next. Will they strive? Or die trying as they suffer cold, hunger and fear. Watch out for twists and turns as all is not as it appears.
  • Gabbie Flowers: And the Key to the Universe

    Dianne Caplin

    Paperback (BalboaPress, Oct. 30, 2014)
    Gabbie Flowers never imagined that winning the school mural contest would turn into a nightmare. She knew her friend could be mean, but she never thought she had the power to make her favorite things-like flying through the night sky with her invisible friend Samuel, and visiting her mother in Heaven-come to a crashing halt. Samuel holds the key that can put the bullying to rest, but due to Gabbie's fear, she can no longer see him. Desperate, he must find a way to get her attention before he, and the key, disappear from her life forever.
  • My Tree and Me: A Journey beyond the Rainbow

    Danila Marii

    Paperback (BalboaPress, Oct. 30, 2013)
    A gentle and colorful world of rainbows, magical trees, and guardian animals invites readers to travel afar in order to go within. Inspired by yoga and meditation, this intuitive book speaks to the hearts of even the youngest of readers. "Danila Marii must have been covered in a cloud of magical dust or overcome by a wave of Shakti (yoga's creative energy) while writing My Tree and Me. "The words, shapes, and brilliant colors appear to pour onto the page deep from within, giving life to an enchanted tale of each individual's soulful journey of self-discovery. This book is not solely dedicated to children, but it also relates something precious to adults who allow themselves to be lead back to their true essence. "While reading the book, I imagine children leafing through the pages, playing, and jumping inside every colorful image. I see adults engaging with their child's emotions, joining them on a guided journey that envelopes their senses and expands their emotions. "I truly believe this book to be so very profound, yet so gentle as to interact on so many levels and dimensions. It tackles important issues without becoming overwhelming, instead playfully involving the reader in a mysterious and joyful game. Every child (and inner child) will approach life with more awareness, serenity, truth, and courage after having read My Tree and Me" - Ylenia Malti - yoga instructor, specialised in yoga therapy for children
  • Vana's Adventure with Mother Earth

    Dana Petrovic

    Paperback (BalboaPress, Aug. 14, 2015)
    Vana is a curious girl who loves her visits to her grandmother's farm because there is always so much to discover. One spring afternoon, she boldly ventures to a part of her granny's orchard she hasn't yet explored and discovers, to her joy, falling white fruit blossoms evoking images of freshly fallen snow. After lying down to feel the petals caress her face, she is surprisingly approached by Mother Earth who invites the young Vana to accompany her on a soon-to-be remarkable journey to meet some of her most cherished children. Thus, Vana joins Mother Earth on an incredible adventure that she could have never accomplished on her own. The adventure takes her to far-off places, and she meets those whom will become lifelong friends. This adventure can utterly change your view on the relationships you have with all other living species with whom you share home here on our Earth, as it did for Vana. Although this story was initially composed for children, upon reflection it should also be as enjoyable and valuable for those much older, for it ought to address the inner child within all of us.
  • Astro Ari

    Nicole Bentley

    Paperback (BalboaPress, May 31, 2017)
    Ari M. Albright is a twenty-one-year-old college dropout living with her judgmental boyfriend and working at a dead-end job in present-day San Francisco. She suffers from debilitating anxiety, which confines her to a life of safe choices, nonadventure, and prescription medications. Ari's one solace is music, and one night at an outdoor concert, she can't help but make a wish on a floating star; a wish to escape the anxiety that has plagued her entire life, a wish to find a group of people who will understand and accept her for who she is, a wish to find peace. Little does she know, her wishes are about to come true when her boss demands she take a mandatory vacation to avoid paying the rising overtime wages. Ari decides to go to Hawaii and plans to stay at a yoga retreat at the base of Mauna Kea. What she gets, however, is more than she could have ever imagined when her airport shuttle driver, Jake, drives past the Hoku Lewa retreat and up to a stone cavern on the side of Hawaii's tallest volcano. What will Ari find when she walks through the cave opening and into the unknown? Will she find the key to being happy on Earth, a planet in which she feels so disconnected and lost? Astro Ari, Part 1: M16 is an out-of-this world journey of self-discovery, fantastic adventures, and most of all, love.