The Short Cut: A Western Murder Mystery
Jackson Gregory
(American Cowboy Books, Nov. 4, 2015)
• TRILOGY - Three of American author Jackson Gregory’s westerns are bound together in this Kindle book: The Short Cut & Man to Man & The Everlasting WhisperTHE SHORT CUT: A western murder mysteryThe woman breathed deeply as her dog, Shep, found something in the deep grass and went snarling across the water -- almost under her horse's legs. Not ten steps from the edge of the water her mare's nostrils suddenly quivered and she trembled a moment. So primitive was her urge to flee from death, she could not get closer to the spot where a man lay dead in the sunshineMAN TO MANIt had been three months since Steve Packard had sailed out of a South Sea port and three days since he had ridden out of the sun-baked town of San Juan. Word of his father's death had come to him. The world was his. Ranch Number Ten belonged to him now. His mood changed quickly however when he spotted a young woman in his path. Later, perhaps, he would admit that she was amazingly pretty; that the curves of her little white body were delightfully perfect. At any another time, that would have put sheer delirium into a man's blood.EVERLASTING WHISPER: A Tale of the California Wilderness (1922)It was Springtime in the California Sierra when a man on a cliff top watched as two figures were torn apart. One drew suddenly back. The other fell through the gorges, plunging straight down and striking against a ragged rock. The man who had seen all this from his own slope spoke aloud for the first time: "Swen Brodie. There's not another man in the mountains brute enough for that."About The AuthorAmerican writer Jackson Gregory (1882 –1943) was a teacher, journalist and novelist born in California. Jackson began his career as a San Francisco newspaper reporter and was later a high school principal. He worked in Illinois, Texas, and New York. The family eventually settled in California and Jackson became a prolific writer of western and detective stories. Several of his stories were the basis of Hollywood films including The Man from Painted Post. Other Books by Jackson Gregory include: Under Handicap: A Novel (1914)Wolf Breed(1916)Six Feet Four (1918)The Bells of San Juan (1919)