Just So Stories
Rudyard Kipling
(Schocken Books, Sept. 3, 1965)
"First Schocken Edition, 1965" Trade Paperback with 246 pages. With the author's own illustrations and intro by Herbert Read. - Here is a book of magical words and inciting adventures, O Best Beloved, tales of whales and elephants, of kangaroos and armadillos. Here are some venturesome adventures Kipling spun out first for his own daughter Josephine. They are stories a father goes on reading aloud long after his Best Beloved has fallen asleep. And they MUST be read aloud-to children of all ages, and to oneself. Their magic enchants any child with an ear for rhythm or taste for words, any parent in whom echoes of earlier reading reverberate, echoes of strange places like 'the great-grey-green Limpopo River, all set about with fever-trees.' For here are camel's Humph, the particularly remembered suspenders, the elelphant child's new trunk, and the cat who walked by his wild lone and bested The Woman thrice. 'The tales had to be read by children before people realized that they were meant for grown-ups.' - Kiping's own illustrations offer a double treat.