Grimms Fairy Tales
Jacob Grimm
(Forgotten Books, June 18, 2012)
Hans had served his master seven years, and at last said to him, Master, my time is up, I should like to go home and see my mother; so give me my wages. And the master said, You have been a faithful and good servant, so your pay shall be handsome. Then he gave him a piece of silver that was as big as his head. Hans took out his pocket-handkerchief, put the piece of silver into, it, threw it over his shoulder, and jogged off homewards. As he went lazily on, dragging one foot after another, a man came in sight, trotting along gaily on a capital horse. A hl said Hans aloud, what a fine thing it is to ride on horseback! there he sits as if he was at home in his chair; he trips against no stones, spares his shoes, and yet gets on he hardly knows how. The horseman heard this, and said, Well, Hans, why do you go on foot thenl A h! said he, I have this load to carry; to be sure it is silver, but it is so heavy that I cant hold up my head, and it hurts my shoulder sadly. What do you say to changing? said the horseman; I wU lyou give my horse, and you shall give me the silver. With aU my heart, said Hans: but I teU you one thing, you Uhave a weary task to drag it along. The horseman got off, took the silver, helped Hans up, gave him the bridle into his hand, and said, When you want to go very fast, you must smack your Ups loud, and cry Jip .H ans was delighted as he sat on the horse, and rode merrily on. After a time he thought he should Uke to go a little faster, so he smacked his lips, and cried Jip .A way went the horse full gallop; and before Hans knew what he was about, he was thrown oiF, and lay in a ditch by the roadside; and his horse would have run off, if a shepherd who was coming by, driving a cow, had not stopped it. Hans soon came to himself, and got upon his legs again. He was sadly vexed, and said to the shepherd, This riding is no joke when a man gets (Typographical errors above are due to OCR software and don't occur in the book.)