As a Man Thinketh: Bonus by Woodrow Wilson When a Man Comes to Himself
James Allen, Woodrow Wilson
Audio CD
(InfoFount, March 6, 2004)
INCREASE YOUR PRODUCTIVITY AND REALIZE YOUR DREAMS Could you be doing better? In a rut ? Have a problem / s you just canÂ’t seem to solve? This audiobook can change your thinking and your life. Ever been inspired by a good friend, priest, teacher, mentor ? Heard them speak the truth in a way that transforms your heart, thoughts, and actions ? As a Man Thinketh by James Allen has been universally recognized for almost 100 years as one of, if not the, most inspiring and powerful books ever written for self transformation. Written in simple, clear, and complete terms it describes how a personÂ’s thinking will directly influence their life. It provides powerful suggestions on how a person may influence and better their life by controlling, their actions and circumstances -- by what they think. As a Man Thinketh is not an overwhelming, complex treatise of useless theories. It is a concise, inspiring, and imminently useful audiobook. It will provide the keys for you to change yourself in relation to yourself and external forces. Transformational GreatsÂ’ As a Man Thinketh audiobook is a clear, inspiring, and relaxing audiobook set to classical music. When you are done listening to it you will have absorbed the wisdom and strength to change. What will you do knowing the key secret to finding control in your life, the ability to realize your dreams, obtain wealth, health, and peace with yourself? How much would you lose over 5 years, 10 years, 20 years, if you threw away a chance to become even just 10% wiser and more productive with the key, controlling force in your life? What if it was 20, 50 or a 100 % or more that you could gain? Imagine, doubling your income; being, lean, powerful, and sexy; finding greater depth and happiness in your relationships; and greater respect, joy, and love for yourself and life. This audiobook can help you get there. This CD has two powerful Self-help and Motivational titles it also has the bonus - Woodrow Wilson's When a Man Comes to Himself. It is very complimentary and synergistic to James Allen's As a Man Thinketh. When a Man Comes to Himself focuses on a persons place in relation to life and others. Whereas As a Man Thinketh is primarily focused on the internal, this audiobook focuses on your relation to the outside world by your inner doings. This audiobook is also available as part of the 7 Motivational Greats audiobook combo pack that includes this and 6 other audiobooks on CD.