“The Spirit of Christmas” is an exciting youth Christmas fantasy adventure set in New York in 1861 about two half-starved innocent orphan boys (the lost grandsons of Santa Claus) who have been forced into an orphanage run by ruthless managers during an era of slavery and indentured servitude. Their lives in peril, they must be rescued by Abraham Lincoln and a clever and magical Toymaker to save Christmas!There are Worlds within other Worlds that are hidden away, with remarkable creatures embracing the Universe in their own special way. Sometimes these Hidden Worlds are shaken by events that unfold within the World of Men, “The Outland”. The royal son to the reign of Santa Clause has vanished at sea, with his family. The very future of Christmas is at stake! In the world of man during the brutal era of slavery when it is legal to press children into indentured servitude and workhouses, Jonas and James Nicolas the lost grandsons of St. Nicolas struggle to survive in the Gotham City Orphanage run by two ruthless managers Mrs. Thorn and her comical husband Mr. Thorn, both former pirates. Plotting with Abraham Lincoln, the Magical Toymaker Mr. Angel under the guise of the mysterious Mr. Darkside and accompanied by his pet wolf Wolfy sets forth to rescue the two innocent boys before they can be sold to the brutal workhouses. There are wondrous secrets of the Universe that Mortal man seldom sees. These secrets of Christmas are magically unveiled to the two orphan boys by the mystical and mysterious toymaker Mr. Angel. Joining in the conspiracy against the Thorns with Abraham Lincoln and Mr. Angel, the two young boys return to Gotham Orphanage where they are to be sold into indentured servitude in one of the Workhouses of Mr. Storm! Can the royal reign of ST. Nicolas be preserved and the two young boys be saved from become indentured servants? Fairies, elves and Christmas sprites embraced this exciting Dickensesque Christmas fantasy adventure with comical moments that will enlighten The Spirit of Christmas within families, world-wide! It is a Christmas tale to be joyously read to the young around the Christmas season!