Alabama Timeline: A Chronology of Alabama History, Mystery, Trivia, Legend, Lore and More
Carole Marsh
(Gallopade Intl, March 1, 1992)
Reproducible timelines include: Alabama Indians, Biographies, History, Legend & Lore, Art, Science, Inventions, Business, Women, Civil Rights, Current & Future Events and more. Also includes Your Personal Timeline Activity, Time Capsule Activity, Timeline Glossary and Author's Timeline. Great for highlighting those must-know important events in Alabama and a super reference for kids. Students can match events with dates, make flashcards, pick their favorite time period to study, research for more information about timeline events of interest, or read the newspaper and search for current events to put into the context of the timeline. Over 300 entries range from prehistoric times through now. Free teacher's guide gives specific suggestions and instructions on how to get max educational value from this book. Great for library research and you can make copies and laminate timeline pages to create posters for classroom walls. It's time to add this book to your library!