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Books published by publisher Orca Book Publishers Oct - 2011

  • Innocent

    Eric Walters, Nina Richmond, Orca Book Publishers

    Audiobook (Orca Book Publishers, April 18, 2017)
    After the orphanage she lives in is destroyed by fire, Betty, an innocent and trusting teen, takes a job as a maid in Kingston, Ontario. Welcomed into the household of the wealthy Remington clan, Betty makes friends with the staff at the house and soon discovers that her mother had also been a maid there and that her father is in a nearby jail, convicted of murdering her mother. When she meets her father, she is taken aback by his claims of innocence, and she decides to try to uncover the truth about her mother's murder. A friendly young policeman assists her in her investigation (and shows an interest in Betty that is more romantic than professional). But all is not well in the Remington household, and someone doesn't want Betty to learn the truth.
  • Daredevil Club: Orca Currents

    Pam Withers, Iambic Productions, Orca Book Publishers

    Audiobook (Orca Book Publishers, Jan. 8, 2018)
    Kip's only friends are the members of the Daredevil Club, a club whose mission is to complete seven dangerous dares before their rivals, the Wildmen, complete their list of dares. Before the cliff diving accident in which he lost the use of his leg, Kip had been the leader of the Daredevil club. Now, he has difficulty completing the dares and suspects that his membership is threatened. As the daredevils plan their final stunt, a dangerous climb along a narrow steel shelf beneath a bridge, they try to convince Kip that he may not be up to the task. Kip refuses to back down, even though he suspects his friends might be right.
  • Jump Cut: Seven

    Ted Staunton, Mike Spring, Orca Book Publishers

    Audiobook (Orca Book Publishers, May 19, 2017)
    Spencer loves movies, but real life is boring, right? When his late grandfather's will reveals the tasks he wants his grandsons to undertake, Spencer thinks he got screwed. He's not going to France or Spain or Africa. He's not even getting a cool tattoo, like his younger brother. No, he's going to Buffalo to get a kiss from an ancient movie star. Gross. And he's supposed to film it. Grosser. But Spencer hasn't bargained on Gloria Lorraine, star of the silver screen back in the day. Gloria has big plans - plans that involve her granddaughter AmberLea, a gun, a baker who might be a gangster, some real gangsters, and a road trip to Nowheresville, Ontario. After being shot at, jumping into an icy lake and confronting some angry bikers, Spencer finally realizes that real life can be as exciting (and dangerous) as reel life.
  • Silas' Seven Grandparents

    Anita Horrocks, Helen Flook

    Paperback (Orca Book Publishers, Oct. 10, 2017)
    Most of the time, Silas loves having seven grandparents. Each of them has something unique and valuable to offer. They take him to amusement parks, museums, dog shows and camping. But when Silas' parents go away on a business trip, all seven grandparents invite Silas to stay with them. One Silas can't be with seven different grandparents at the same time! How can he choose one without hurting the others' feelings? Silas' Seven Grandparents is a fun and loving story about having multiple sets of grandparents and stepgrandparents as a result of divorce and remarriage. Silas' grandparents enjoy exposing him to a variety of interests, values and cultures. But problems arise when Silas feels he can't be everywhere at once. In the end, it's Silas' sensitive, inclusive nature that brings everyone together.
  • Raw Talent

    Jocelyn Shipley

    language (Orca Book Publishers, Sept. 3, 2018)
    Fourteen-year-old Paisley loves to sing. She dreams of being a pop star just like her idol, Denzi, who also grew up in the small town of Stonehill. The problem is, Paisley suffers from severe stage fright. She can only sing in private. When word gets out that a famous Stratford actor who has worked with Denzi is staying at a local B&B, Paisley decides it's time to face her fears. She convinces the actor to tutor her and signs up to sing in a high-profile fundraiser.
  • Stones on a Grave: Secrets

    Kathy Kacer, Anne Marie Damman, Orca Book Publishers

    Audiobook (Orca Book Publishers, Oct. 7, 2015)
    Sara has never been out of the tiny town of Hope, Ontario, where she has been in an orphanage all her life. After a fire destroys the orphanage, clues about her parentage, a medical certificate, and a Star of David lead her to Germany. Sara arrives in Germany determined to explore her newly discovered Jewish heritage and solve the mystery of her parentage. What she encounters is a country still dealing with the aftermath of the Holocaust. With the help of a handsome, English-speaking German boy, she discovers the sad facts of her mother's brief existence and faces the horrible truth about her father. Ultimately, the knowledge she gains opens up her world and leads her to a deeper understanding of herself.
  • From the Dead: The Seven Sequels

    Norah McClintock, Joseph Zeija, Orca Book Publishers

    Audiobook (Orca Book Publishers, June 8, 2017)
    Rennie is in Uruguay when his cousins discover a secret cache at their dead grandfather's cottage. Thousands of dollars in foreign currencies. A mystifying notebook. Multiple passports, some obviously fake. A gun. A disguise. And a photo of some Nazis. Rennie's mission: to find out whether there was more to the old man than anyone knew. Was he a spy? If he was, what did he do? And for whom? Did he help a Nazi war criminal escape justice? Rennie's quest leads him to Argentina and then to Detroit, where he finds more questions than answers and more than one gun pointed - and fired - in his direction.
  • Mooncakes

    Loretto Seto, Renné Benoit

    eBook (Orca Book Publishers, Nov. 19, 2018)
    Mooncakes is the lyrical story of a young girl who shares the special celebration of the Chinese Moon Festival with her parents. As they eat mooncakes, drink tea and watch the night sky together, Mama and Baba tell ancient tales of a magical tree that can never be cut down, the Jade Rabbit who came to live on the moon and one brave woman's journey to eternal life. With a gentle focus on the importance of family, Mooncakes is both a perfect book for parent and child to read together and an ideal choice for schools and libraries.
  • A Sack Full of Feathers

    Debby Waldman, David Skulski, Orca Book Publishers

    Audiobook (Orca Book Publishers, May 24, 2017)
    Yankel loves to tell stories, as long as they are someone else's. He does not see the hurt that his stories cause, the way they spread and change. Then the rabbi hands him a bag of feathers and tells him to place one on every doorstep in the village. Yankel is changed by what happens and finds himself with his best story yet, one of his very own.
  • Chemical World: Science in Our Daily Lives

    Rowena Rae

    Hardcover (Orca Book Publishers, May 12, 2020)
    Chemical World: Science in Our Daily Lives explores some of the materials―all of which are made of basic chemical elements―that humans use or come into contact with in their day-to-day lives. Some of these chemicals are naturally occurring―clay, mercury, lead. Others have been synthesized by chemists during the past 150 years and used in a bewildering array of products ranging from roof shingles to toothpaste. Many chemical inventions, as well as naturally produced chemicals, have had profound effects on food supply, developing medicines and creating hosts of useful items for modern life. Despite people using both natural and synthetic chemicals with (mainly) good intentions, some chemicals have had unintended negative consequences. Chemical residues have contaminated ecosystems the world over and are compromising the health of many ecosystems, animals and humans. The goal of Chemical World: Science in our Daily Lives is to introduce readers to basic chemistry and chemical history, and to show how chemicals are used for particular reasons but sometimes turn out to be harmful to environmental and human health. It invites readers to take a look at the world around them and ask questions about what’s in their environment and how the things they use and eat every day can affect their own health and the planet’s health.
  • Chat Room: Orca Currents

    Kristin Butcher, Iambic Productions, Orca Book Publishers

    Audiobook (Orca Book Publishers, Jan. 24, 2018)
    Linda is shy and avoids getting involved at school. But when her high school sets up online chat rooms, she can't resist the urge to visit them. Fueled by interest in a student with the nickname Cyrano, Linda participates in online conversations using the nickname Roxane and gains a reputation as the queen of one-liners. Soon, Linda starts receiving gifts from a secret admirer who signs his gifts, "C". She is certain that her life has taken a turn for the better until "C" reveals his true identity.
  • Blue Moon: Orca Soundings

    Marilyn Halvorson, Iambic Productions, Orca Book Publishers

    Audiobook (Orca Book Publishers, Jan. 23, 2018)
    Bobbie Jo didn't set out to buy a limping blue roan mare - she wanted a colt she could train to barrel race. But the horse is a fighter, just like Bobbie Jo. Now all she has to do is train the sour old mare that obviously has a past. While she nurses the horse back to health, Bobbie Jo realizes that the horse, now called Blue Moon, may have more history than she first thought. With the help of the enigmatic Cole, she slowly turns the horse into a barrel racer.