A Girl Named Fancy
Daddy & Liberty, Liberty F Carnevale, Luke a Carnevale
(Elci Productions LLC, Feb. 9, 2019)
Meet Fancy, she loves fashion, flowers, and fabulous birthday parties. Prince William has just invited her to the Ball, but what will she wear? All her clothes just went out to the cleaners. Find out how this age old question gets answered in a refreshing new way, and in the process, changes Fancy's life forever!Instantly lovable, A Girl Named Fancy, takes us on a magical, giggle-infused journey with Fancy--a fun-loving, struggling seamstress--to find her true heart's desire ... a forever friend. In the process, she will overcome challenges, face down opposition, and discover her ultimate life's purpose. This playful children's tale ties old with new, classic with mainstream, entertainment with education, neatly wrapping it in a memorable tale that is truly engaging for both parents and children alike. Don't miss out on this laugh-out-loud page-turner, sure to become a well-worn staple in your daughter's bedtime reading repertoire.A unique twist: A Girl Named Fancy, was written and illustrated by Daddy (41) and Liberty (5). It was a story they spun and developed together, taking on a life of its own over the process of several years. Beautifully illustrated by hands, well over 35 years apart, this book exudes a magical mix of complementary world-experiences, sparking budding imaginations with cleverly colorful retrospect and whimsical childhood insights on every page.About the Authors: Daddy & Liberty were 'forever friends' immediately following Liberty's miraculous birth in 2013. They live at home in Dallas, Texas with Mommy and little brother, LJ. When they aren't spending their time spinning new narratives, making up crazy characters, and/or hurdling rainbows on identical twin unicorns, they love to play with Mommy & LJ, crush Wii Mario Cart, dress up like princesses, and/or produce music (well, music--that's mostly Daddy's thing). They also share a strong passion to bring wholesome, funny, unashamedly truth-infused entertainment to an overly-propagated and somewhat socially-confused culture (whatever that means). But mostly, they just wanna have fun!