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Books published by publisher Curiosmith

  • Ministering Children: A Tale Dedicated to Childhood by Maria Louisa Charlesworth

    Maria Louisa Charlesworth

    Paperback (Curiosmith, March 15, 1898)
  • Slim Jack: The History of a Circus Boy

    The American Sunday School Union

    Paperback (Curiosmith, May 21, 2015)
    Jack Ward was an orphaned twelve year old who was raised by Mr. Martin. The circus came to town and Mr. Martin sold Jack to the circus men. After many years of this unhealthy lifestyle, Jack recovered in the hospital and his rebellious spirt was softened by God. As the book states: “If any of my readers come to the same determination that Sally made, which was, never to encourage amusements of a sinful nature, or such as are afforded at the expense of danger and suffering to others, Aunt Fanny will not have related the story of “Slim Jack” in vain.”
  • Tip Lewis and His Lamp by Pansy


    Paperback (Curiosmith, March 15, 1881)
  • Jessica's Mother by Hesba Stretton

    Hesba Stretton

    Paperback (Curiosmith, Aug. 16, 1876)
  • Duty Is Safety or Troublesome Tom

    Mary Martha Sherwood

    Paperback (Curiosmith, April 30, 2015)
    Ten year old Tom Page found trouble very easily. When he ran away from angry boys he became lost and examined his ways. Tom’s heart changed and turned to God. “Duty is Safety: let a child act dutifully, that is, in obedience to the will of his parents, and masters and he is on the way of safety—let him go against their will and he makes to himself as many foes as he has acquaintances.” Also included is the story of “Betsy Bartlett.” Fourteen year old Betsy could not bear being found fault with, and she had a bad temper. She took a job as a nursemaid, and when corrected in her duties, she started to cry. She was given good advice: “Ask for God’s help and put your trust in him alone.” “Pray for grace to look upon the favor of your heavenly Father as the chief end in all you do.”
  • Probable Sons

    Amy Le Feuvre

    (Curiosmith, May 10, 2011)
  • Memoir of Rev. Samuel Kilpin

    American Tract Society, Rev. Samuel Kilpin

    (Curiosmith, March 28, 2016)
    Samuel Kilpin (1774–1830) was born in Bedford, England. He was a Baptist pastor who had a burning desire to be used by God and to preach the Gospel to lost souls. He especially loved children and orphans. His efforts were a blessing to so many that he had to use the rooms of his house for teaching. His life was exemplary: “He had a list of names, personal friends and their families, whom he presented daily to his God . . . none were erased until they had left this world for a better.” Also, “We enjoy no more than we are thankful for . . . but not one is enjoyed except our eyes see the Giver, and our lips acknowledge His goodness.” His earnest desire was not to be accounted a great man, but a useful man. This literally was his wish, and it was granted.
  • Essie's Journey and What She Found in It

    Howe Benning

    Paperback (Curiosmith, April 30, 2015)
    Fourteen year old Essie was proud and envious and she often compared herself to her schoolmates. But when she visited relatives she was given helpful advice: “If you go out into life with all these earnest aspirings centering in self, you will be only one of the many ambitious, whose lives prove but failures. If, dear Essie, you are willing to take into your heart a higher motive, and the Name above all others, then you will find rest yourself, and bring it to others. Is not this what you want?”
  • Tip Lewis and His Lamp by Pansy


    Paperback (Curiosmith, March 15, 1899)
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    Hesba Stretton

    Paperback (Curiosmith, Feb. 21, 2013)
  • Commentary on John Bunyan's the Pilgrim's Progress

    Robert Maguire

    Paperback (Curiosmith, Nov. 13, 2009)