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Books published by publisher Christian Audio

  • Day Boy and the Night Girl

    George MacDonald, Paul Eggington,

    Audiobook (, Jan. 6, 2009)
    A witch's curse ensures that a boy can never wake at night nor sleep when the sun beams. Conversely, a girl is doomed never to sleep at night nor be awake during the daylight hours. Finally, a twist of fate unites them. MacDonald's skill and imagery and grandfatherly style deliver a remarkable story that is accessible and light, yet acutely stirring and imbued with enduring value. Your capacity for imagination is sure to grow through this story that lifts our spirits and fills our minds with joy.
  • Don't Give Up: Faith That Gives You the Confidence to Keep Believing and the Courage to Keep Going

    Kyle Idleman,

    Audible Audiobook (, March 5, 2019)
    The parent with the wayward child. The couple whose marriage is in jeopardy. The man who is out of work. The woman stuck in crushing debt. The patient with a bad diagnosis. The student who can't get a fair shake. People hanging by a thread, losing faith, and short on strength. What do they all need to hear? Don't give up. Our lives are minefields of challenges that take their toll on our courage, our conviction, and even our faith. But God whispers to the weary, Don't give up. Drawing from inspiring biblical stories and first-person testimonies of perseverance, best-selling author and pastor Kyle Idleman encourages listeners to cast their concerns on God, trust in his love and timing, pray for patience and strength, and seek out support in the family of God.
  • The Magnificent Story: Uncovering a Gospel of Beauty, Goodness, and Truth

    James Bryan Smith, Arthur Morey,

    Audible Audiobook (, Aug. 13, 2017)
    We are story-making people. We love reading stories - and we love hearing the personal stories of others. We need stories, or narratives, to make sense of our world. And those stories shape our lives. What is the story you have been told about the Gospel? About God? About the Christian life? About Jesus? About the cross? About yourself? About heaven? Your answers to these questions will form a story that will determine how your life will go. The answers reveal your ability to trust, to love, to hope - and even your capacity for joy. Any story worth giving the power to shape our lives must pass a simple test: Is it beautiful, good, and true? If it is, then it is a magnificent story - and that is where transformation takes place. From James Bryan Smith, author of the best-selling book Good and Beautiful God, comes this spiritual formation resource meant to help both individuals and groups understand the Magnificent Story of Christ in their lives. Soon to be followed by The Magnificent Journey: Living Deep in the Kingdom (fall 2018) and The Magnificent Mission: Called and Sent by the Storyteller (fall 2019), the field-tested material within includes spiritual practices at the end of each chapter. Uncover the true story of beauty, goodness, and truth that will satisfy the ultimate longings of your heart.
  • It's All Under Control: A Journey of Letting Go, Hanging On, and Finding a Peace You Almost Forgot Was Possible

    Jennifer Dukes Lee,

    Audible Audiobook (, Sept. 24, 2018)
    It's time to get our control under control. Jennifer Dukes Lee never thought she struggled with control. As long as everything went exactly the way she wanted it to, she was totally flexible. But then Jennifer discovered what happens when you try to wrap your arms around everything, thinking it's all on you: You get burned out on hustle. You toss and turn more at night, and you laugh less during the day. You're so busy - caring, serving, working, and trying so hard - that you can't even hear God's voice anymore. It's All Under Control is an audiobook for every woman who is hanging on tight and trying to get each day right - yet finding that life often feels out of control and chaotic. Join Jennifer on the journey of learning how to: Overcome the anxieties and worries that burden your heart Prioritize your busy life so you can make choices that align with God's best for you Find freedom through a new "Do, Delegate, or Dismiss" approach to your daily tasks Let go of what God has not asked you to do so you can shine at what he has Discover a new way of living that will free you to be you and finally experience the peace of knowing a God who truly has it all under control.
  • Wrestling with the Devil: The True Story of a World Champion Professional Wrestler - His Reign, Ruin, and Redemption

    Lex Luger, John D. Hollis, Johnny Heller,

    Audible Audiobook (, Aug. 13, 2013)
    Lex Luger, wrestling mega-sensation and three-time world heavyweight champion, ruled the ring for years as "The Total Package." Whether he was making a dramatic entrance from a helicopter, defeating champ Hulk Hogan, or sculpting a near-perfect physique, Lex was on top of his game. Yet backstage, he was wrestling with addictions to sex, drugs, and alcohol - things he clung to even when his mistress died suddenly of a drug overdose and Lex went to jail. There, Lex faced the truth: he was losing the fight for his life. And still awaiting him was his most brutal opponent yet, when the wrestling champ found himself helplessly paralyzed from the neck down. In Wrestling with the Devil, Lex Luger reveals never-before-told stories from his career, his struggle with personal demons, and how, through unexpected faith, grace, and redemption, he overcame all odds to fight the only battle that really matters.
  • Simple Joys: Discovering Wonder in the Everyday

    Candace Payne,

    Audible Audiobook (, Sept. 25, 2018)
    Laughter that makes your stomach hurt, the perfect cup of coffee, a few moments alone with your Bible - these are moments of joy to be found on even the most difficult days. When you know you can trust God no matter what, lasting joy will be yours. Find your joy in Simple Joys: Discovering Wonder in the Everyday by Candace Payne. Who hasn't struggled with discontent, being overwhelmed, and the fight to be happy? You know that you have much to be grateful for, but sometimes, the world feels so heavy, and it's hard to recognize the good stuff, let alone find and experience true, lasting joy. Candace Payne, better known as "Chewbacca Mom", reached more than 200 million people when her surprise outburst of joy at the simplest pleasure of a Star Wars mask went viral. Her story of struggling with loneliness, discontent, and unhappiness came out soon after, which made the world question: What makes her different? "I could write a million words, books, and even songs to explain this," Candace says, "but my gut feeling tells me you didn't buy this book for a theology debate. You are reading these pages hoping to find joy - real, authentic, and unwavering in any and all circumstances. The kind of contentment that says, 'I'm not only happy, but I'm satisfied as well. I have enough and I am enough.' Because what I've discovered is this: contentment will often lead to more joy." Do you have that kind of joy? Do you want it? Find the secret to happiness, satisfaction, joy, and more in Simple Joys, a beautiful book that talks you through Candace's journey so that you can replicate it in your own life. Listen to several simple ways you can reclaim joy in your day-to-day routine, and start living more joyfully today.
  • That Distant Land: 23 Short Stories

    Wendell Berry, Michael Kramer,

    Audible Audiobook (, April 9, 2010)
    That Distant Land collects twenty-three stories, interlinked with each other and with the other published "Port William" novels. The stories, arranged in their fictional chronology (from 1888 to almost the present day), become one sustained work, a new novel that spans the entire life and time involved. The range of this book is extraordinary -- it offers rest for the weary, hope for the beleaguered, and strength for everyone else.
  • Hope Unfolding: Grace-Filled Truth for the Momma's Heart

    Becky Thompson,

    Audible Audiobook (, April 1, 2016)
    God's love, plans, and promises for you are forever unfolding. I get it, Momma. I totally get it. Every day you wake up and try your very best. You love, give, and pour out your life for the ones who call you Momma. But no matter how much you offer, there are still days you feel as though you come up short. You worry, "Am I loving these babies enough? Is this ever going to get easier? Why does it seem like I am the only one who cannot balance it all?" Sometimes we just need hope (and maybe a long, uninterrupted nap). We need someone to help tune our hearts to the voice of the Father and to remind us that he has not forgotten about us. In Hope Unfolding, Becky Thompson is a friend who reminds you that you aren't alone and that God is still writing your story. She guides you to encounter the truth of God's presence that fuels you with not only strength but also a fresh confidence. And beyond gaining faith that tomorrow could be different, you find hope and purpose where you are standing today.
  • Why I Didn't Rebel: A Twenty-Two-Year-Old Explains Why She Stayed on the Straight and Narrow - and How Your Kids Can Too

    Rebecca Gregoire Lindenbach, Shannon McManus,

    Audible Audiobook (, Oct. 3, 2017)
    In this unique combination of personal history, interviews, and social science, a young millennial shares surprising reasons that youthful rebellion isn't inevitable and points the way for raising healthy, grounded children who love God. Teen rebellion is seen as a cultural norm, but Rebecca Gregoire Lindenbach begs to differ. In Why I Didn't Rebel - based on a viral blog post that has been read by more than 750,000 people - Lindenbach shows how rebellion is neither unavoidable nor completely understood. Based on interviews with her peers and combining the latest research in psychology and social science with stories from her own life, she gives parents a new paradigm for raising kids who don't go off the rails. Rather than provide step-by-step instructions on how to construct the perfect family, Lindenbach tells her own story and the stories of others as examples of what went right, inviting listeners to think differently about parenting. Addressing hot-button issues such as courtship, the purity movement, and spanking - and revealing how some widely held beliefs in the Christian community may not actually help children - Why I Didn't Rebel provides an utterly unique, eye-opening vision for raising kids who follow God rather than the world.
  • Andy Catlett: Early Travels: A Novel

    Wendell Berry, Paul Michael,

    Audiobook (, Feb. 10, 2009)
    Berry opens this latest installment of the Port William series with young Andy Catlett preparing to visit a place he'd been to many times before, though this would be an adventure he will take very seriously. Nine years old, Andy embarks on the trip by bus, alone for the first time. He decides it will be a rite of passage and his first step into manhood. Sometimes a handful at home, Andy was a good boy when visiting his Grandparents' houses, and he looked forward to the little spoiling certain to come his way. A beautiful short novel, this book is a perfect introduction into the whole world of Port William and will be as well a new chapter for those already familiar with this rich unfolding story.
  • All of Grace

    C. H. Spurgeon, Simon Vance,

    Audible Audiobook (, Feb. 13, 2009)
    "To him that worketh not, but believeth on him that justifieth the ungodly, his faith is counted for righteousness." Spurgeon's masterpiece on grace from Romans 4:5 is an outstanding description of God's love and unmerited grace to us. It is one of the clearest examples of salvation by grace ever written. Spurgeon's masterpiece is one the finest expositions ever penned on faith, repentance, and regeneration.
  • Invitation to Retreat: The Gift and Necessity of Time Away with God

    Ruth Haley Barton,

    Audible Audiobook (, Sept. 18, 2018)
    "Come away and rest awhile." Jesus invites us to be with him, offering our full and undivided attention to him. When we choose retreat, we make a generous investment in our friendship with Christ. Truth is, we are not always generous with ourselves where God is concerned. Many of us have done well to incorporate regular times of solitude and silence into the rhythm of our ordinary lives, which means we've gotten pretty good at giving God 20 minutes here and half an hour there. And there's no question we are better for it! But we need more. Indeed, we long for more. In this audiobook, Transforming Center founder and seasoned spiritual director Ruth Haley Barton gently and eloquently leads us into an exploration of retreat as a key practice that opens us to God. Based on her own practice and her experience leading hundreds of retreats for others, she will guide you in a very personal exploration of seven specific invitations contained within the general invitation to retreat. You will discover how to say "Yes" to God's winsome invitation to greater freedom and surrender. There has never been a time when the invitation to retreat is so radical and so relevant, so needed and so welcome. It is not a luxury, but a necessity of the spiritual life.