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Books published by publisher Books in Motion

  • Nevada by Zane Grey from Books In

    Zane Grey

    Audio CD (Books In Motion, June 15, 2005)
    Alone again! Just like his orphaned boyhood. Those are Nevada's thoughts as he turns from the only home and happiness he has ever known. But it had all been a lie, at least on his part. He was hiding his true identity from his best friend Ben, and the woman he loved, Hettie. They knew him as Nevada, a man they cared for and respected when in truth he was a wandering fugitive gunman, notorious from Nevada clear to Tombstone, Arizona. And now he had done what he swore never to do again, he had killed not one, but three men. But he didn't regret it, he had done it to save his friend Ben from being branded a rustler and going to prison. His sacrifice would now allow Ben to be free, to prosper, and to marry the love of his life. But the price he must now pay, is a living hell. A life alone, a life as his real self -- Notorious Outlaw Jim Lacy, but worst of all, a life without his best friend, Ben, and his most precious Hettie. Thus begins the exciting and emotional sequel to Zane Grey's The Forlorn River. Read by Jack Sondericker. 9 CD's 10.2 Hrs.
  • Queen of Sorcery by David Eddings

    David Eddings

    Audio CD (Books In Motion, July 28, 2015)
    The Belgariad Book #2 Legends tell of the Evil God Torak coveting the power of the Orb of Aldur, until he was defeated in a final battle. Prophecy also speaks of a time when he will again awaken to seek dominance over all the world. Now the Orb has been stolen by a priest of Torak, and that time is at hand. The Sorcerer Belgarath and his daughter Polgara the arch-Sorceress are on the trail of the Orb, seeking to regain it before the final disaster. With them goes Garion, a simple farm boy only months before, but now the focus of the struggle. He had never believed in socerey, yet with every league they travel, the power is growing within him, forcing him into acts of wizardry that he cannot accept. Read by Cameron Beierle. 1-58116-776-8 12 CD's 12.7 Hrs.
  • Pawn of Prophecy by David Eddings

    David Eddings

    Audio CD (Books In Motion, July 2, 2015)
    The Belgariad Book #1 Long ago, the evil God Torak sought dominion and drove men and Gods to war. But Belgarath the Sorcerer led men to reclaim the Orb that protected the West. So long as it lay at Riva, the prophecy went, men would be safe. That was only a story, and Garion did not believe in magic dooms. Brought up on a quiet farm by his Aunt Pol, how could he know that the Apostate planned to wake dread Torak, or that he would be led on a quest of unparalled magic and danger by those he loved. For yet a little while his dreams of innocence remained safe, untroubled by knowledge of his strange heritage. For a little while. Read by Cameron Beierle. 10 CD's 10.5 Hrs.
  • Sorceress of Darshiva by David Eddings

    David Eddings, Cameron Beierle

    Audio CD (Books In Motion, Oct. 15, 2005)
    Book Four of the Malloreon. Troubles and delays continue to mount as King Garion, Belgarath, Polgara, and the company pursues Zandramas across the known world. Possessed by the Dark Destiny, Zandramas has kidnapped Garion's infant son and plans to use him in a ritual that would destroy all that men value. Always one step ahead, taunting and spying on Garion and his party in the form of a great flying dragon, Zandramas races to beat them to the "Place Which is No More." Desperate to arrive at the ancient ritual site at the same time, or face disaster, Garion and his friends must defend themselves against Zandramas' armies, lead by the Demon Lord on one side of them, and forces of Emperor Zakath on the other side.
  • The Valley of Silent Men by James Oliver Curwood from Books In

    James Oliver Curwood, Read by Rusty Nelson

    Audio CD (Books In Motion, Sept. 10, 2014)
    Before the railroad's thin lines of steel bit their way up through the wilderness, Athabasca Landing was the picturesque threshold over which one must step who would enter into the mystery and adventure of the great white North. It is still Iskwatam - the ""door"" which opens to the lower reaches of the Athabasca, the Slave, and the Mackenzie. It is somewhat difficult to find on the map, yet it is there, because its history is written in more than a hundred and forty years of romance and tragedy and adventure in the lives of men, and is not easily forgotten. Over the old trail it was about a hundred and fifty miles north of Edmonton. The railroad has brought it nearer to that base of civilization, but beyond it the wilderness still howls as it has howled for a thousand years, and the waters of a continent flow north and into the Arctic Ocean. It is possible that the beautiful dream of the real-estate dealers may come true, for the most avid of all the sportsmen of the earth, the money-hunters, have come up on the bumpy railroad that sometimes lights its sleeping cars with lanterns, and with them have come typewriters, and stenographers, and the art of printing advertisements, and the Golden Rule of those who sell handfuls of earth to hopeful purchasers thousands of miles away - ""Do others as they would do you."" And with it, too, has come the legitimate business of barter and trade, with eyes on all that treasure of the North which lies between the Grand Rapids of the Athabasca and the edge of the polar sea.
  • Magician's Gambit by David Eddings,

    David Eddings, Cameron Beierle

    Audio CD (Books In Motion, Oct. 1, 2003)
    The Belgariad Book #3 Ce'Nedra, Imperial Princess of Tolnedra, was confused. Everyone knows the tales of the Orb protecting the West from the evil God Torak are just silly legends. But here she is, forced to join a dangerous quest to recover that stolen Orb. No one believes in sorcery, but Garion's aunt and grandfather seem to be the fabled sorcerers Polgara and Belgarath. Even young Garion is learning to do socerey. Garion, a farm boy is totally unsuitable for an Imperial Princess. Yet, for some reason she has the urge to brush back his hair, and comfort him. Now he is going to a strange evil tower to face some horrible, powerful magician, and she cannot be there to watch over him. He might be killed, and she may never see him again. Read by Cameron Beierle. 11 CD's 11.3 Hrs.
  • Castle of Wizardry by David Eddings,

    David Eddings, Cameron Beierle

    Audio CD (Books In Motion, Oct. 1, 2003)
    The Belgariad Book #4. It all began with the theft of the Orb that protected the West from the evil God Torak. Before that, Garion had been a simple farm boy. Afterward, he discovered he is a sorcerer. Now, at last, the Orb has been regained, and the quest nears it end. Of course, the questors must still escape from a crumbling enemy fortress, flee across a desert filled with Murgo soldiers, avoid the Grolim Hierarchs seeking to destroy them with dark magic, After that, Garion feels assured, his part would be finished. But the Prophesy still holds several surprises for Garion, and for the Imperial Princess Ce'Nedra. Read by Cameron Beierle. 13 CD's 14.2 Hrs.
  • Enchanters End Game by David Eddings,

    David Eddings

    Audio CD (Books In Motion, Oct. 1, 2003)
    Belgariad, Book #5. Conclusion. The quest was over. The Orb of Aldur was restored. And yet the the Prophecy was unfulfilled. In the east, the evil God Torak was about to awaken and seek dominion. Somehow, Garion had to face the God, to kill or be killed. On the outcome of that dread duel rested the destiny of the world. Read by Cameron Beierle. 13 CD's 14 Hrs.
  • Mary Emma & Company by Ralph Moody,

    Ralph Moody, Cameron Beierle

    Audio CD (Books in Motion, Jan. 1, 2001)
    At age thirteen, Ralph Little Britches Moody moves with his mother, Mary Emma, and five siblings to Massachusetts. Money and prospects are few, but not faith and resourcefulness, as they struggle to keep a small business alive. Read by Cameron Beierle. 6 CD's 6.8 Hrs.
  • Man of the Family by Ralph Moody,

    Ralph Moody, Cameron Beierle

    Audio CD (Books in Motion, June 1, 2001)
    At age eleven, Ralph becomes man of the family and an entrepreneur. He continues his horse riding, cattle driving, and the Moodys start a cooking business. Read by Cameron Beierle. 8 CD's 8.8 Hrs.
  • A More Perfect Union

    J.A. Jance, Gene Engene

    Audio CD (Books In Motion, Jan. 15, 2013)
    The front-page photo was a gruesome heartstopper - a young woman plunging from a skeletal skyscraper. Sheer horror frozen on her beautiful face. An accident? Suicide? Detective Beaumont didn't think so, especially when the body count started climbing, eventually leading him to the headquarters of the ironworkers' local - and a crew of hardhats with nerves of steel and some deadly secrets. Beaumont was determined to make the union pay its dues... but the union had other ideas.
  • THE OAKDALE AFFAIR, download, by Edgar Rice Burroughs

    Edgar Rice Burroughs, Gene Engene

    MP3 CD (Books In Motion, Jan. 1, 2018)
    In "The Oakdale Affair", we follow further adventures of Bridge. Bridge finds himself sheltering from a storm with a mysterious thief. The pair rescue a young woman who's run afoul of her gangster boyfriend. It seems that everybody wants the loot that the thief stole, and somewhere out there is a kidnapped young woman who is the key to it all. Bridge will have a lot of juggling to do to keep gangsters, gypsies, and private detectives in line and solve the mystery at hand.