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Books published by publisher BookSurge Publishing

  • Free Men and Dreamers: Dawn's Early Light

    L. C. Lewis

    Paperback (BookSurge Publishing, Nov. 13, 2009)
    This third volume of LC Lewis’s War of 1812 historical fiction epic, Free Men and Dreamers, covers the British offensive against Washington D.C. Once Napoleon is subdued, and despite the commencement of peace negotiations, Britain unleashes her triumphant European conquerors on America. And their primary target? Washington. While attentions turn to the defense of the Capital, mercenaries threaten the Winding Willows and White Oak plantations, forcing enemies to become allies, fighting side-by-side with freed slaves to defend their homes and families. Mere miles away, the Capital’s defense now rests predominantly upon citizen soldiers and a most unlikely naval force—a rag-tag fleet called the Chesapeake flotilla—and the men who built it. But Britain’s house is also divided over the war, as the cost mounts in blood and money. Experience the pain and passion of five families—American, slave and British—as they endure the three darkest days of American history—the week when Washington burned.
  • Help Your Dragon Overcome Separation Anxiety: A Cute Children’s Story to Teach Kids How to Cope with Different Kinds of Separation Anxiety, Loneliness and Loss.

    Steve Herman

    Paperback (DG Books Publishing, Feb. 12, 2020)
    Having a pet dragon is very fun!He can sit, roll over, and play…He can candle a birthday cake, lit a campfire, or so many other cool things…But what if your dragon is constantly worrying when he’s separated from you?What if he’s refusing to go to sleep without you being by his side?What if he won’t let you go anywhere because he’s excessively worried that you might get hurt?What if he refuses to go to school due to fear of separation?What if he’s also feeling sad for his friend who only visits with his dad on the weekends, or a friend whose mom is in the Air Force, and the loss of a loved one, and much more…?What should you do?You teach him that with LOVE, there will be unbreakable connections between us…You reassure him the intangible Love will keep us bound together even though we’re not in the same place…You help him overcome his separation anxiety…But HOW do you do that?Get this book and learn how!With relatable, heartwarming and reassuring stories, this book is a must for parents, teachers, therapists and other educators to help kids overcome different kinds of separation anxiety, loneliness and loss.GET THIS BOOK NOW AND ENJOY!
  • Woodland Creatures

    Aunt L, Max Stasuyk, Elena Stasuyk

    Paperback (BookSurge Publishing, Jan. 7, 2009)
    Every child wonders about the world around them but many never get to experience the wildlife mother nature has placed on this planet. Utilizing simple rhymes, this book invites youngsters to learn about various creatures of the woodland. This book combines a child's love of rhyming with facts about animals. Each witty rhyme contains an entertaining characteristic of a woodland animal in its natural habitat. It is filled with life-like full color illustrations to fascinate and spark the imagination of any girl or boy. They'll discover how a raccoon washes its food before eating, or how an opossum pretends to lie dead when confronted. They'll ponder how a chipmunk fills its cheeks with acorns or how an owl hunts by the light of the moon. Learning about nature has never been so fun. This book is as amusing to read for adults as it is for children. It is an ideal bed-time narrative or a great primer for children just beginning to read. A perfect addition to any youth's library.
  • A Dragon With His Mouth On Fire: Teach Your Dragon To Not Interrupt. A Cute Children Story To Teach Kids Not To Interrupt or Talk Over People.

    Steve Herman

    Paperback (DG Books Publishing, May 14, 2018)
    Having a pet dragon is very fun.You can train him to do all the cool tricks such as sit, stand, and roll over…But what if your dragon likes to talk a lot and likes to interrupt others while they’re talking?What do you do?You teach him an important social lesson of not interrupting?Get this book now and learn how!A must have book for children and parents to teach kids how to control their interruptions.Get this book now and enjoy!
  • The Secret for Children

    Cindy DeHaven

    Paperback (BookSurge Publishing, March 4, 2013)
    Cindy DeHaven's The Secret for Children is a short and wonderful children's book, fully rhymed, that teaches children the value of gratitude and maintaining a positive attitude throughout each day.
  • Get Your Dragon To Try New Things: Help Your Dragon To Overcome Fears. A Cute Story To Teach Kids To Embrace Change, Learn New Skills, and Expand Their Comfort Zone.

    Steve Herman

    eBook (DG Books Publishing, Oct. 24, 2018)
    Having a pet dragon is very fun!You can train him to roll over, sit and play…You can ask him to light your campfire on a camping trip…Or you can tell him to candle a birthday cake, and many other cool things…But what if your dragon is always afraid to try new things?Whether it’s learning to swim, eating new food, talking to new friends, or try to learn a new skill set, he always refuses, and always says “Tomorrow!”What do you do?You teach him to overcome his fears! You teach him to embrace change, get out of his comfort zone, see what he’s missing, and to have fun!How?Get this book now and learn how! Fun, cute and entertaining with beautiful illustrations, this is a must have book for children and parents/teachers to teach kids not to be afraid of changes, and encourage them to explore new skills and expand their comfort zone.Get this book now and enjoy!
  • Penengro

    Hilda van Stockum

    Paperback (BookSurge Publishing, Dec. 21, 2009)
    This is an exciting story set in Ireland in which an orphan, Rory, is adopted by a couple because he resembles their dead son. He runs away to escape from this uncomfortable situation, and meets and then lives with a group of gypsies. This book was close to the heart of the author, Hilda van Stockum, as she always sympathized with the outsiders in life. She was also close to nature and had a distrust of machinery, traits shared by the Romanies she wrote about.
  • Rugby Match for the Home Side

    Dan'l Bair

    Paperback (BookSurge Publishing, Nov. 1, 2007)
    A sporting tale of how a displaced group of woodland creatures make new friends and find a home, through hard work, fair play, and an exciting game of rugby.
  • Twas the Night Before Christmas in the Desert

    Charlotte Van Bebber, Mary Lou Greer

    Paperback (BookSurge Publishing, March 18, 2008)
    This full-color adaptation of Clement Moore’s ever popular “Night Before Christmas” is a gleeful celebration of Christmas Eve--Southwestern style. Written for young and old alike, the author Charlotte Van Bebber invites the reader to experience the arrival of Santa Claus (a kindly, old, miner-type) to the desert home of Sally and Hank. He is accompanied by his faithful companions, roadrunners: Chico, Cholla, Chula, Dusty, Pepita, Rita, Streaker and Treaker! The spellbound children watch as events unfold… Native Arizonian artist Mary Lou Ray Greer’s unique and humorous illustrations evoke the mystery and magic of the Southwest. Her understanding of the desert with its many colors and moods imbues the story with rich Southwestern imagery. This whimsical tale will no doubt be a seasonal favorite among those who delight in the enchantment of Christmas Eve.
  • Help Your Dragon Deal With Change: Train Your Dragon To Handle Transitions. A Cute Children Story to Teach Kids How To Adapt To Change In Life.

    Steve Herman

    Hardcover (DG Books Publishing, April 19, 2019)
    Having a pet dragon is very fun!He can sit, roll over, and play… He can candle a birthday cake, lit a campfire, or so many other cool things…But what if your dragon is afraid of change?What if he doesn’t like his new teacher and her teaching style and refuses to go to school?What if he’s sad because his favorite pool is closed, and he’s afraid to try the newer, bigger pool because of the unknowns?What if he hates to say goodbye to his old soccer team, and doesn’t want to join a new one?What if he’d have a hard time whenever something changes, or when things no longer how they used to be?What should you do?You teach him how to deal with change!You teach him that everything changes. Change happens, and life keeps changing. Instead of avoiding change, he needs to learn to adapt, anticipate, and enjoy the new experience when the change comes his way!But How???Get this book and learn how!Fun, cute, and entertaining with beautiful illustrations, this is a must have book for children, parents and teachers to teach kids the proper way to think, and deal with changes and transitions in life!GET THIS BOOK NOW AND ENJOY!
  • Train Your Dragon To Do Hard Things: A Cute Children’s Story about Perseverance, Positive Affirmations and Growth Mindset.

    Steve Herman

    eBook (DG Books Publishing, June 7, 2020)
    Having a pet dragon is so much fun.He can sit, roll over, and play…He can candle a birthday cake, lit a campfire, or so many other cool things…But what if your dragon is always afraid of doing Hard Things?What if he gives up easily on anything that’s hard?What if he ALWAYS says Yes to everything just because it’s easy to do so?What if he’s afraid to stand up for his friend just because it’s easier to stay quiet?What if he can’t preserve through anything that’s difficult?What should you do?You train him to do Hard Things!You show him when things are tough, he needs to be tougher.You give him words of encouragement that:He can do anything he wantsHe is in controlHe can overcome any challenges if he wants toHe can stand up to the big bully for his friend even though it’s scaryHe can pick himself up when down, even when things are unfair or not his fault.And so much, much more…Get this book now and learn how to teach your kids about Perseverance, Positive Affirmations and Growth Mindset.
  • Gadwall, King of the Ducks

    Dan Davidson, Bethany Davidson

    Paperback (BookSurge Publishing, April 23, 2009)
    Roguishly fun, Gadwall, King of the Ducks by Dan Davidson begs to be read aloud and makes for a great tool to spark children’s imaginations—and their intellect. With colorful cut-block illustrations by Bethany Davidson, this beginning reader introduces Gadwall, a brown duck who knows in his heart that birds of a feather should flock together—and fly together. When his herd of dithering ducklings cannot find a leader brave enough to guide the flock to Mexico for the winter—what with those pesky duck hunters, and all—Gadwall, the most unassuming one in the pack, will find a way to fly at night by an ingenious beam of light. With the other smart and fancy ducks at a loss, it is Gadwall’s cleverly inspired radiance that will save the migration.