Our Mutual Friend
Charles Dickens
(IDB Productions, Jan. 1, 2015)
Our Mutual Friend – Charles Dickens' Most Beautifully Written Satiric MasterpieceCharles Dickens was known for many elaborate works of literature, some of which were complex, well-developed, highly insightful and even multidimensional, in the way they dealt with the many different facets of human depth and emotion. Nevertheless, with all his other works set in the background, Our Mutual Friend stands out as what many have named Dickens' greatest novel, and a worthy rival of worldwide famous works like Lev Tolstoy's War and Peace. The sheer number of characters and the complexity of the book's plot is enough to compete with the longest, most well-written novels that have ever been created, both until and after the era which Charles Dickens was part of. Not only that, but while many novels focus on similar values and goals in a largely linear fashion, Dickens managed to create a world in which actions followed each other in a flowing, natural manner, sometimes focusing on layers of mysteries and insightful reflections, while other times growing in intensity and outlining vast areas of the endless spectrum of human emotions, including happiness, joy, love, sorrow, hate, anger and pain.The underlying focus of the novel is on the effect of greed and the way people never fail to be corrupted and betrayed by their own craving toward wealth and riches. This is readily depicted at the beginning of the novel, where we witness the death of a man who was to inherit a dust heap that the rich throw their trash in.While reading Our Mutual Friend, one of the major qualities of the novel is you never really know what to expect next. With children often “educating” grownups, and the poor providing the wealthy with a dose of true richness, the book offers genuine value at a depth that even more modern stories can only dream of delivering. In those terms, Our Mutual Friend is considered a genuine work of art.