Fables of Æsop and others
(RareBooksClub.com, March 6, 2012)
This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1835 Excerpt: ...weapon brandished at them in % public manner, could have been capable of doing. A man who nad been sadly torn by a dog, was adrised by some old woman, as a cure, to dip a piece of bread in the wound, and give it to the cur that bit him. He did so; and yRsop happening to pass by just at the same time, asked him, what he meant by it? The man informed him: why then, says J3sop, do it as privately as you can, I beseech you: for if the rest of the dogs atthe town were to see you, we should all be eat up alive by them. THE APPLICATION. Nothing contributes so much to the increase of roguery, as when the undertakings of a rogue are attended with success. If it were not for fear of punishment, a great part of mankind, who now make a shift to keep themselves honest, would appear great villains; but if criminals, instead of meeting with punishments were, by having been such, to attain honour and preferment, our natural inclination to mischief would bo improved, and we should be wicked out of emulation. A Boy was sleeping by the side of a well. Fortune saw him, and came and waked him, saying, Pr'ythee, good child, do not lie sleeping here, for if you should fall in, nobody would impute it to you, but lay all the blame to me, Fortune.. THE APPLICATION. Poor Fortune has a great deal thrown upon her indeed: and often times very unjustly too. Those of our actions which are attended with success, though often owing to some acSwcnt or other, we ascribe without any scruple, to some particular merit or good quality in ourselves; but when any of our doings miscarry, though probably through our own insufficiency or neglect, all the ill consequences are imputed to Fortune, and we acquit ourselves of having contributed any thing towards it. The silliest part of each sex, when they...