The Elements of Dynamic Electricity and Magnetism
Philip Atkinson
(Forgotten Books, June 12, 2012)
Previous to the last decade the demand for electric books was confined chiefly to scientific investigators versed in the higher mathematics, and the authors of such books were electricians of the same class, who recognized the importance of mathematical accuracy in treating electric phenomena. Hence mathematical formulae became a prominent feature of such books. But the various electric industries to which the recent unprecedented electric development has given rise, have given employment to a numerous class of persons to whom mathematical books are almost unintelligible, and yet to whom a scientific knowledge of the various kinds of electric apparatus which they are required to operate, or with which their business is connected, is of the highest importance. There is also a class of liberally educated persons who desire to extend their knowledge of electric principles, but have not the time or patience to follow the intricacies of mathematical formulae, especially in the abbreviated form usual in the books referred to.(Typographical errors above are due to OCR software and don't occur in the book.)About the Publisher Forgotten Books is a publisher of historical writings, such as: Philosophy, Classics, Science, Religion, History, Folklore and Mythology.Forgotten Books' Classic Reprint Series utilizes the latest technology to regenerate facsimiles of historically important writings. Careful attention has been made to accurately preserve the original format of each page whilst digitally enhancing the aged text. Read books online for free at