St. Nicholas Volume 19
Mary Mapes Dodge
(, Sept. 13, 2013)
This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can usually download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1892 edition. Excerpt: ... be a difficult question to solve." Tom smiled cheerfully. " Well," he said, " of course I don't know that I 've found out that, certain sure; but I 've got another idea about that, too." " Produce idea number two! " ordered Uncle Dick.. " As soon as I had really got hold of the first idea--the one that possibly Kerr was wounded by that shot and that his body might be there now-I waked right up," Tom responded; "and it was when I was wide awake that I wondered where we could look for Kerr's body, with the gold on it, perhaps. Suddenly it struck me that as Kerr was trying to escape to the British, and as he knew the country,--he 'd been living up near here at an old mill for months before,--why, he 'd naturally try some kind of a short cut. There was a little brook separating those two camps, and it had been raining hard all day,--I looked at the old newspaper to make sure of that, but I believe it nearly always does rain hard after there 's been a battle,---and so I thought the brook would be high, and Kerr was smart enough to know that it would be, and so perhaps he 'd make for those stepping-stones. You remember, I once showed them to you marked on the map my great-grand-father made?" " Yes, I remember," Mr. Rapallo replied; "and I think I see where you are going. I should n't wonder if you were on the right track at last." Tom's eyes lighted again with pleasure as he continued: "I got out that map, and I looked to see if it would help me. Well, the place is marked where the first sentry stood that fired at Kerr, and then the place is marked where the second sentry stood when /1: fired;...