Shooting Stars
Aida G. Roque
(America Star Books, July 21, 2015)
A grandmother who loves reading in the comfort of her garden and loves to create stories and poetry for her grandchildren. It's all about the beauty of our planet Earth and all of the fascinating creatures. Shooting Stars are the most enchanting creation that we can use in our story. Cousin Zion and Isla, the main characters, love to play outside and learn to appreciate our magnificent planet Earth. They also share their love for poetry and other children's rhymes. My goal here is to motivate the children to go out and explore nature, while at the same time creating new outdoor games. It is also important to spend quality time with parents, friends and even neighbors. The interaction of playing outside, has emphasis on their social, physical and mental skills. These are the valuable skills I learned during my time growing up from the 50's generation. My generation didn't have the powerful tools in technology and only taught us that our toys need to be fixed and not to be thrown away. The iPad, iPhone, etc. have great advantages and disadvantages, their impact on learning, discovering and exploring are basically presented in a small tablet. I observed that my grandchildren are limiting their space, energy and interaction with real humans by chatting and playing online games in the confine of their bedroom/ living room. This book will also inspire the children to write poetry, children's rhymes and once again enjoy the outdoor playground. Aida G. Roque is a retired teacher in Elementary Education in Maryland with a Masters Degree in Special Education with concentration on Giftedness and Learning Disabilty. Her love for reading books, fiction and non-fiction and other interesting articles inspire her to write Children's books and Poetry. She loves to blog, do freelance writing, sketching, drawing and photography. Her other sidelines are her love for arts and crafts in fancy jewelry making, quilting, sewing, gardening, cooking exotic foods and traveling.