At the Seaside
Sheila Thibodeau Lambrinos Collection York University
(Forgotten Books, June 9, 2012)
What is a shrimp, mother? Asked John, looking up from the letter he was reading. Cousin Martha writes from London, that they had shrimp-sauce at dinner. A shrimp, Johnny, is a little, long-tailed dec apod crustacean. Oh, stop there, mother! What am I to understand by those hard words D ecapod, Johnny, is from the Greek dek a, ten, and pous, pod os, a foot; and a decapod is a crustacean with ten feet or legs, like the crab, lobster, and other shell-fish. Yes; but what is a crustacean mother? I tis an animal belonging to the class Crustacea. About the publisher Forgotten Books is a publisher of historical writings, such as: Philosophy, Classics, Science, Religion, History, Folklore and Mythology. Forgotten Books' Classic Reprint Series utilizes the latest technology to regenerate facsimiles of historically important writings. Careful attention has been made to accurately preserve the original format of each page whilst digitally enhancing the aged text. Read books online for free at