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Books with title Invisible Things

  • Invisible

    Rachael J Parkin

    Paperback (CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, Feb. 7, 2018)
    I'm Rachael, a 30-something mum, author and data analyst from Pontefract in West Yorkshire, England. As I sit here writing this I am comfy in my pjs and dressing gown, thinking that a nap may be a good idea this afternoon! I have suffered with a number of invisible illnesses throughout my life and in the last 4 years have had more operations and diagnostic procedures than I care to remember. I am thankful to have a family who have always been supportive but it is very difficult to explain exactly how I feel, especially to my children. I decided to use my passion and talent for writing and drawing to try and bridge the gap. This is my first book about invisible illness, although I envisage more along the way. I already have two children's books published on Amazon and this will be my 3rd! A focus group previewed the book: "We were given the privilege to read the new book due out 'INVISIBLE' .... And what a treat myself and my three girls got.... The story captured the mind of my 10 and 8 yr olds and Polly is well and truly loved by my nearly 6 year old... The story itself is fantastic, shows my girls exactly how mummy keeps going till she can no more, it enlisted a que of questions that the girls had on their minds that i was able to answer, possibly questions we hadn't thought of before... The girls referred themselves to the animals and my 10yr old pointed out when it is to much instead of rest we could disguise the rest with another "Polly" story.. I like her thinking.... The pictures are amazing, and describe the story brilliantly, that my 6yr old was able to retell the story after we read it. One of our 'to buy books' for sure." This book includes an additional poem 'Mrs Brontosaurus' by Dave Webb
  • Invisible

    Pete Cummings

    (, Jan. 26, 2019)
    In the year 2034, all crime is punishable by one sentence: Invisibility, a cruel punishment where criminals can still be seen and heard, but are shunned by society and cease to exist until their sentence is complete.Framed for a murder he did not commit, seventeen year old Nathan Yorke is about to lose his identity. Cast aside and left with nothing, Nathan’s only hope is to make contact with a group hunting a crime lord known only as The Manager, who will stop at nothing to ensure those who are a threat to him are eliminated.Nathan becomes The Manager's Number One target, but in a society that has little regard for human life, his first priority is survival.
  • Invisible Wings

    Nicole Hewitt

    Paperback (iUniverse, June 18, 2013)
    A swift evilness comes over the lands from the north destroying all peoples and places before it. As countries and empires tarry and fall many lose hope. As the first book in The Edge of a Sword series readers are introduced to a world of shrinking magic and growing peril. Elves, humans and half-bloods struggle to live together and to resist the evil armies descending from the north. Once the world looked to the elvin-fairies, a magical race of tall winged beings but with them deceased for over a hundred years hope dwindles. As countries fall and the darkness spreads heroes rise and stand strong while they can, delaying the coming storm with strength of will and sheer desperation. Yet all know these are only delays in steady losses. Sylvia Gruith of Larentra is of an ancient line of magical beings; this is her blessing and her curse. While she has magical powers beyond that of the current world she also struggles to live in hiding because such power can easily be misused. From a queenly figure as the High Lady of Larentra to a terrified victim of evil men, she desperately hides for fear of her life and her future. Derik is a rogue soldier traveling with a mage and his young apprentice hoping to make up for a shadowy past. When the trio encounters the frightened woman Derik becomes determined to protect her whether she likes it or not despite the cost. Secrets are revealed, relationships grow and disaster strikes! This new, unlikely couple must navigate a way to survive or risk perishing alone. If they can just make it through these struggles they hope for a clear path to the weighty goal of saving the world from impending doom. While few know about Sylvia the few that do hope she will be the key to solve the turmoil of the world. However, the frightened young woman is no match for what she will face. Furthermore to forward their plans her secrets must be broadcast to the world, a cost Sylvia is unwilling to pay.
  • Invisible

    Eloy Moreno, Rodri Martín, Elena Silva, Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial

    Emotiva, conmovedora, diferente.... Invisible narra, a través de los ojos de un niño, una historia que podría ser la de cualquiera de nosotros. ¿Quién no ha deseado alguna vez ser invisible? ¿Quién no ha deseado alguna vez dejar de serlo? El problema es que nunca he llegado a controlar bien ese poder: A veces, cuando más ganas tenía de ser invisible, era cuando más gente me veía, y en cambio, cuando deseaba que todos me vieran, era cuando a mi cuerpo le daba por desaparecer. Please note: This audiobook is in Spanish.
  • Invisible Wings

    Nicole Hewitt

    eBook (iUniverse, June 18, 2013)
    A swift evilness comes over the lands from the north destroying all peoples and places before it. As countries and empires tarry and fall many lose hope. As the first book in The Edge of a Sword series readers are introduced to a world of shrinking magic and growing peril. Elves, humans and half-bloods struggle to live together and to resist the evil armies descending from the north. Once the world looked to the elvin-fairies, a magical race of tall winged beings but with them deceased for over a hundred years hope dwindles. As countries fall and the darkness spreads heroes rise and stand strong while they can, delaying the coming storm with strength of will and sheer desperation. Yet all know these are only delays in steady losses. Sylvia Gruith of Larentra is of an ancient line of magical beings; this is her blessing and her curse. While she has magical powers beyond that of the current world she also struggles to live in hiding because such power can easily be misused. From a queenly figure as the High Lady of Larentra to a terrified victim of evil men, she desperately hides for fear of her life and her future.Derik is a rogue soldier traveling with a mage and his young apprentice hoping to make up for a shadowy past. When the trio encounters the frightened woman Derik becomes determined to protect her whether she likes it or not despite the cost. Secrets are revealed, relationships grow and disaster strikes! This new, unlikely couple must navigate a way to survive or risk perishing alone. If they can just make it through these struggles they hope for a clear path to the weighty goal of saving the world from impending doom. While few know about Sylvia the few that do hope she will be the key to solve the turmoil of the world. However, the frightened young woman is no match for what she will face. Furthermore to forward their plans her secrets must be broadcast to the world, a cost Sylvia is unwilling to pay.
  • Invisible Things

    Sara Andersson

    Paperback (CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, May 29, 2012)
  • Invisible Wings

    Nicole Hewitt

    Hardcover (iUniverse, June 18, 2013)
    A swift evilness comes over the lands from the north destroying all peoples and places before it. As countries and empires tarry and fall many lose hope. As the first book in The Edge of a Sword series readers are introduced to a world of shrinking magic and growing peril. Elves, humans and half-bloods struggle to live together and to resist the evil armies descending from the north. Once the world looked to the elvin-fairies, a magical race of tall winged beings but with them deceased for over a hundred years hope dwindles. As countries fall and the darkness spreads heroes rise and stand strong while they can, delaying the coming storm with strength of will and sheer desperation. Yet all know these are only delays in steady losses. Sylvia Gruith of Larentra is of an ancient line of magical beings; this is her blessing and her curse. While she has magical powers beyond that of the current world she also struggles to live in hiding because such power can easily be misused. From a queenly figure as the High Lady of Larentra to a terrified victim of evil men, she desperately hides for fear of her life and her future. Derik is a rogue soldier traveling with a mage and his young apprentice hoping to make up for a shadowy past. When the trio encounters the frightened woman Derik becomes determined to protect her whether she likes it or not despite the cost. Secrets are revealed, relationships grow and disaster strikes! This new, unlikely couple must navigate a way to survive or risk perishing alone. If they can just make it through these struggles they hope for a clear path to the weighty goal of saving the world from impending doom. While few know about Sylvia the few that do hope she will be the key to solve the turmoil of the world. However, the frightened young woman is no match for what she will face. Furthermore to forward their plans her secrets must be broadcast to the world, a cost Sylvia is unwilling to pay.