The Angel's Apprentice
D. D. Anginni, Rachel Thomas
(Babelcube Inc., Oct. 14, 2018)
The Angel's Apprentice is a fictional work of youth literature set in the world of fantasy and the story tells of an epic battle among the most powerful angels of Eden (the Seals) and how Daniel Winkcler will wake these creatures in order to save Humanity. You hold in your hands a powerful artefact capable of transporting you into a fantastical adventure with the oldest and most powerful beings that have ever lived on Earth: the Celestial Seals. Enter into Daniel Winkcler's universe, a fifteen year old kid who turns out to be the key figure in an ancient battle. Guided by his master, Jihlava, and counting on his friends by his side, Daniel will need to learn how to control his new powers, take on daunting enemies and wake up the oldest and most invincible Seals leveling out the balance of powers between the Rebels and the Resistence. Only then will he prevent a new Armageddon from destroying Humanity. The gateway you are holding will take you through a succession of battles, chases, mysticism, legends, tournaments, treasure hunts and romance that are enough to take away the breath of any hero. Get ready for this unforgettable journey and open up the book. Have fun!