The Baby and the Bunny
Terri Dill
(Page Publishing, Inc., Aug. 31, 2018)
The Baby and the Bunny was based on a real experience. After one of the Christmas dramas at thechurch, Terri went to the manger to put it away for yet another year. The baby Jesus doll was alwaysswaddled and kept with the manger for safekeeping. As she went to pick it up, she saw that someonehad swaddled a small stuffed little bunny with the doll. For a long time, she lingered over what shesaw. Did a child do that? Did one of the adult actors put the sweet pair together? Either way,someone did not want the baby Jesus to be alone. For ten years, they were always together, nomatter what the play. They will always be together and a very special part of every Christmas. Forthis is what Christmas is about—it is about love.