Timmy has ever so mnay questions to ask about water. Where does it come from? Who Needs it? Do we have to have it? How is it used? Many people and animals help him find the answers regarding the many uses of water. The Changing weather and seasons also play a part as he and his friends come to realize that every creature on the earth, as well as every plant, is dependent on water for its daily living and comfort.
Presents various aspects of life in South Africa through interviews with twenty-six people representing different ages, occupations, and regions. Also includes a section of brief facts about the country and a glossary.
Presents various aspects of life in the Caribbean through interviews with twenty-six people representating different age groups, occupations, and countries in the area. Also includes a section of brief facts about the area and a glossary.
Presents various aspects of life in Indonesia through interviews with twenth-six people representing different age groups, occupations, and regions. Also includes a section of brief facts about the country and a glossary.
Explains how the heart and circulatory system work and examines how high blood pressure and a high fat diet can contribute to heart disease. Also discusses ways of improving health with proper diet and exercise.