1997 Literacy Tree, So Much to Do Set 2 -- The Pumpkin House (P) Written by Roger Vaughan Carr / Illustrated by Julie Davey ***Previously Published in [Literacy 2000 ***ISBN-10: 0732704189] ***ISBN-13: 9780732720445 ***Pages: 16
Clare Scott-Mitchell, Bryan Pollard, Fraser Williamson, Bill MacCormick, Steve Jackson
(Shortland Publications, March 15, 1989)
The editor selected and retold 4 traditional ethic tales ; BEOWULF, BURNT FACE, THE STOLEN BAIRN AND THE SIDH, and HOW MAC ART GOT HIS BRANCH. Nicely illustrated.
1990 Literacy 2000 Stage 6 Set D -- The Three Sillies (P) Retold by Lucy Lawrence / Illustrated by David Pearson ***ISBN-13: 9780732704360 ***Pages: 24