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Books in Isaac Asimov's 21st Century Library of the Universe series


    Isaac Asimov

    Paperback (Yearling, Jan. 1, 1991)
    Discusses the possibility of different forms of life than ours within our solar system, and in other solar systems, too
  • The Birth and Death of Stars

    Isaac Asimov

    Paperback (Yearling, Sept. 1, 1991)
    Considers how stars come into being, change and grow older, and eventually come to an end
  • Astronomy today

    Isaac Asimov

    Hardcover (Gareth Stevens Children's Books, March 15, 1990)
    Discusses how scientists and amateurs use instruments to study the universe and describes some astronomical discoveries.
  • Venus

    Isaac Asimov

    Paperback (Prometheus, March 1, 2004)
    Of all the planets in our Solar System, Venus is the one nearest to Earth and the brightest "star" in the night sky. It is very similar to Earth in some ways. The two are almost the same size, for example. But Venus is shrouded in such a thick layer of clouds that you cannot see its surface. Space probes and technology, such as radar, finally made it possible to learn what lay below the clouds. Underneath its shroud, Venus turned out to be quite different from Earth. Readers will learn about Venus’s blistering heat and intense atmospheric pressure, its slow backward rotation, Mariner 2’s and Magellan’s observations of Venus, and the planet’s volcanic activity.
  • Cosmic Debris: The Asteroids

    Isaac Asimov, Greg Walz-Chojnacki

    Library Binding (Gareth Stevens Pub, Sept. 1, 1994)
    Discusses the asteroids of our solar system and the importance they might have in the future
  • Nearest the Sun: The Planet Mercury

    Isaac Asimov, Francis Reddy, Greg Walz-Chojnacki

    Library Binding (Gareth Stevens Pub, Sept. 1, 1995)
    Describes the characteristics of the small planet closest to the sun whose day is twice as long as its year
  • A Distant Puzzle: The Planet Uranus

    Isaac Asimov, Francis Reddy

    Library Binding (Gareth Stevens Pub, Sept. 1, 1994)
    Describes the characteristics of the seventh planet from the sun as revealed in the information sent back by Voyager 2
  • The 21st Century in Space

    Isaac Asimov, Robert Giraud, Greg Walz-Chojnacki

    Library Binding (Gareth Stevens Pub, Jan. 1, 1996)
    Projects astronomical and astronautical possibilities for the future, such as huge telescopes, airplanes in space, a probe to the sun, and a landing on Mars
  • The Birth of Our Universe

    Greg Walz-Chojnacki, Frank Reddy, Isaac Asimov

    Library Binding (Gareth Stevens Pub, May 1, 1995)
    Discusses the origins and characteristics of our universe, focusing on the nature of stars

    Isaac Asimov

    Paperback (Yearling, July 1, 1991)
    Explores the nature of the Milky Way and other galaxies, and explains what happens when galaxies explode or collide, galactic composition, and more

    Isaac Asimov

    Paperback (Yearling, Aug. 1, 1991)
    Examines the causes, dangers, and efforts to clean up various forms of space debris.
  • Comets and meteors

    Isaac Asimov

    Hardcover (G. Stevens Children's Books, March 15, 1990)
    Discusses the characteristics of comets and meteors and cites both famous appearances and unexplained mysteries connected with them.