Life on a Coral Reef
Mary Jo Rhodes, David Hall
Library Binding
(Children's Press(CT), Sept. 1, 2006)
"UNDERSEA ENCOUNTERS, a series of 10 age-appropriate books about the underwater world, teaches through motivation and delight. The young elementary school reader (grades 2-4) will be grabbed 'hook, line, and sinker' by the colorful cover photograph on each book. Inside, the text and abundance of pictures support readers with features like bolded vocabulary defined in the glossary. There is a section of additional resources, which includes lists of books and websites, and an index with both text and picture pages. LIFE ON A CORAL REEF describes an entire ecosystem that shelters thousands of organisms, protects coastlines, and provides food for people. The skeletons of the coral animals are the most beautiful homes in the world; millions of designers cooperate. Day or night, coral reefs communities never sleep, and today their survival is threatened by pollution and global warming. --National Science Teachers Association Recommended book