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Books published by publisher Sefa Verlag

  • My Most Beautiful Dream – Min allra vackraste dröm

    Cornelia Haas, Sefa Agnew, Narona Thordsen

    eBook (Sefa Verlag, Nov. 1, 2019)
    Bilingual children's picture book (English – Swedish), with audioLulu can't fall asleep. All her cuddly toys are dreaming already – the shark, the elephant, the little mouse, the dragon, the kangaroo, and the lion cub. Even the bear has trouble keeping his eyes open ... Hey bear, will you take me along into your dream? Thus begins a journey for Lulu that leads her through the dreams of her cuddly toys – and finally to her own most beautiful dream. ♫ Listen to the story in both languages, read by native speakers!► NEW: With pictures to color! A download link in the book gives you free access to the pictures from the story to color in.Tvåspråkig barnbok (engelska – svenska), med ljudbokLulu kan inte somna. Alla hennes gosedjur drömmer redan – hajen, elefanten, den lilla musen, draken, kängurun och lejonungen. Även björnen kan nästan inte hålla ögonen öppna ... Du björn, kan du ta med mig in i din dröm? Så börjar en resa för Lulu som tar henne genom sina gosedjurs drömmar – och slutligen till sin egen allra vackraste dröm. ♫ Lyssna på historien läs av modersmål!
  • Lijepo spavaj, mali vuče – Sleep Tight, Little Wolf

    Ulrich Renz, Barbara Brinkmann, Karmen Fedeli, Pete Savill

    language (Sefa Verlag, Nov. 1, 2019)
    Dvojezična knjiga za decu (hrvatski – engleski), sa audioknjigomTim ne može zaspati. Njegov mali vuk je nestao! Je li ga vani zaboravio? Sasvim sam krenuo je u noć – i neočekivano dobiva društvo…"Lijepo spavaj, mali vuče" je jedna srdačna priča za laku noć, koja je prevedena na više od 50 jezika. Dostupna je u dvojezičnom izdanju u svim zamislivim jezičnim kombinacijama.♫ Slušajte priču koju čitaju izvorni govornici!► NOVO: s slikama za bojanje! Preko linka u knjizi mogu se preuzeti slike iz priče za bojanje.Bilingual children's picture book (Croatian – English), with audioTim can't fall asleep. His little wolf is missing! Perhaps he forgot him outside? Tim heads out all alone into the night – and unexpectedly encounters some friends… "Sleep Tight, Little Wolf!" is a heart-warming bedtime story. It has been translated into more than 50 languages and is available as a bilingual edition in all conceivable combinations of these languages.♫ Listen to the story in both languages, read by native speakers!► NEW: With pictures to color! A download link in the book gives you free access to the pictures from the story to color in.
  • Metsluiged – The Wild Swans

    Ulrich Renz, Marc Robitzky, Liisi Mägi, Sefa Agnew

    language (Sefa Verlag, Nov. 1, 2019)
    Kakskeelne lasteraamat (eesti keel – inglise keel), kaasas audioraamatHans Christian Anderseni "Metsluiged" pole ilmaasjata maailma enimloetumaid muinasjutte. Oma ajatul moel käsitleb see meie inimlike draamade ainest: hirmu, vaprust, armastust, reetmist, kaotusvalu ja jällenägemisröömu. Käesolev raamat on südamlike piltidega väljaanne, mis Anderseni muinasjuttu tundlikult ja lapsesõbralikus vormis jutustab. Teos on tõlgitud paljudesse maailma keeltesse ja kakskeelse raamatuna saadaval nende keelte kõigis mõeldavates kombinatsioonides. ♫ Laske muinasjutt keeleoskaja poolt ette lugeda!Bilingual children's picture book (Estonian – English), with audioThe Wild Swans' by Hans Christian Andersen is, with good reason, one of the world's most popular fairy tales. In its timeless form it addresses the issues out of which human dramas are made: fear, bravery, love, betrayal, separation and reunion. The edition at hand is a lovingly illustrated picture book recounting Andersen's fairy tale in a sensitive and child-friendly form. It has been translated into a multitude of languages and is available as a bilingual edition in all conceivable combinations of these languages. ♫ Listen to the story in both languages, read by native speakers!► NEW: With pictures to color! A download link in the book gives you free access to the pictures from the story to color in.
  • Дивљи Лабудови – The Wild Swans

    Ulrich Renz, Marc Robitzky, Karmen Fedeli, Sefa Agnew

    language (Sefa Verlag, Nov. 1, 2019)
    Двојезична књига за децу (српски – eнглески)"Дивљи Лабудови" Ханса Кристијана Андерсена је, с добрим разлогом, један од најпопуларнијих светских бајки. У безвременом облику, она обухвата теме људске драме: страх, храброст, љубав, издаја, одвајање и поновни састанак. Овo илустровано издање је скраћена верзија Андерсенoве бајке. Преведена је на мноштво језика и доступнa је као двојезично издање у свим могућим комбинацијама ових језика. ► НОВО: са сликама за бојење! Преко линка у књизи, могу да се преузму слике из приче за бојење.Bilingual children's picture book (Serbian – English)The Wild Swans' by Hans Christian Andersen is, with good reason, one of the world's most popular fairy tales. In its timeless form it addresses the issues out of which human dramas are made: fear, bravery, love, betrayal, separation and reunion. The edition at hand is a lovingly illustrated picture book recounting Andersen's fairy tale in a sensitive and child-friendly form. It has been translated into a multitude of languages and is available as a bilingual edition in all conceivable combinations of these languages.► NEW: With pictures to color! A download link in the book gives you free access to the pictures from the story to color in.
  • Sleep Tight, Little Wolf – Śpij dobrze, mały wilku

    Ulrich Renz, Barbara Brinkmann, Pete Savill, Jolanta Zak

    eBook (Sefa Verlag, Nov. 1, 2019)
    Bilingual children's picture book (English – Polish), with audioTim can't fall asleep. His little wolf is missing! Perhaps he forgot him outside? Tim heads out all alone into the night – and unexpectedly encounters some friends… "Sleep Tight, Little Wolf!" is a heart-warming bedtime story. It has been translated into more than 50 languages and is available as a bilingual edition in all conceivable combinations of these languages.♫ Listen to the story in both languages, read by native speakers!► NEW: With pictures to color! A download link in the book gives you free access to the pictures from the story to color in.Dwujęzyczna książka dla dzieci (angielski – polski), z audiobookTim nie może zasnąć. Zaginął jego mały wilk. Być może zostawił go na zewnątrz? Tim wyrusza samotnie w noc – i niespodziewanie napotyka przyjaciół..."Śpij dobrze, mały wilku" to rozgrzewająca serce bajka do poduszki. Została przetłumaczona na ponad 50 języków i jest dostępna w każdej możliwej do wyobrażenia kombinacji.♫ Posłuchaj historii czytanej przez native speakerów!► NOWOŚĆ: Z kolorowymi zdjęciami! Zdjęcia historii można pobrać do kolorowania poprzez link w książce.
  • Sleep Tight, Little Wolf – நன்றாக உறங்கு, சிறிய ஓநாய்

    Ulrich Renz, Barbara Brinkmann

    eBook (Sefa Verlag, Nov. 1, 2019)
    Bilingual children's picture book (English – Tamil)Tim can't fall asleep. His little wolf is missing! Perhaps he forgot him outside? Tim heads out all alone into the night – and unexpectedly encounters some friends… "Sleep Tight, Little Wolf!" is a heart-warming bedtime story. It has been translated into more than 50 languages and is available as a bilingual edition in all conceivable combinations of these languages.► NEW: With pictures to color! A download link in the book gives you free access to the pictures from the story to color in.இருமொழி குழந்தைகள் புத்தகம் (ஆங்கிலம் – தமிழ்)டிம்மால் உறங்க முடியவில்லை. அவனுடைய சிறிய ஓநாயை காணவில்லை! ஒரு வேளை அதை அவன் வெளியில் மறந்து வைத்து விட்டானோ? டிம் துணிச்சலாக யார் துணையும் இல்லாமல் இரவில் தனியே வெளியில் சென்றான், அங்கு எதிர்பாராமல் சில நண்பர்களை சந்தித்தான்…"நன்றாக உறங்கு, சிறிய ஓநாய்" ஓரு உள்ளம் தொடும் படுக்கை நேரக் கதை. 50ற்கும் மேற்பட்ட மொழிகளில் மொழி பெயர்க்கப்பட்டுள்ளது மற்றும் இரு மொழி பதிப்பகமாக அனைத்து மொழி கலவைகளிலும் கிடைக்கிறது.
  • Aludj jól, Kisfarkas – Sleep Tight, Little Wolf

    Ulrich Renz, Barbara Brinkmann

    language (Sefa Verlag, Nov. 1, 2019)
    Kétnyelvű gyermekkönyv (magyar – angol)Tim nem tud elaludni. Nem találja a kisfarkasát. Talán kinnt felejtette? Egészen egyedül nekivág az éjszakának – s váratlanul társakra talál …Az "Aludj jól, Kisfarkas" egy szívet melengető esti mese, amit több mint ötven nyelvre lefordítottak és kétnyelvű változata ezen nyelvek minden elképzelhető kombinációjaként kapható.Bilingual children's picture book (Hungarian – English)Tim can't fall asleep. His little wolf is missing! Perhaps he forgot him outside? Tim heads out all alone into the night – and unexpectedly encounters some friends… "Sleep Tight, Little Wolf!" is a heart-warming bedtime story. It has been translated into more than 50 languages and is available as a bilingual edition in all conceivable combinations of these languages.► NEW: With pictures to color! A download link in the book gives you free access to the pictures from the story to color in.
  • Sleep Tight, Little Wolf – Mirno spi, mali volk

    Ulrich Renz, Barbara Brinkmann

    eBook (Sefa Verlag, Nov. 1, 2019)
    Bilingual children's picture book (English – Slovene)Tim can't fall asleep. His little wolf is missing! Perhaps he forgot him outside? Tim heads out all alone into the night – and unexpectedly encounters some friends… "Sleep Tight, Little Wolf!" is a heart-warming bedtime story. It has been translated into more than 50 languages and is available as a bilingual edition in all conceivable combinations of these languages.► NEW: With pictures to color! A download link in the book gives you free access to the pictures from the story to color in.Dvojezična otroška knjiga (angleščina – slovenščina)Tim ne more zaspati. Pogreša svojega majhnega volka. Morda ga je pozabil zunaj? Tim se sam odpravi v noč – in nepričakovano sreča svoje prijatelje..."Mirno spi, mali volk" je pripovedka za lahko noč, ki ogreje srce. Prevedena je bila v več kot 50 jezikov in je na voljo kot večjezična izdaja v vseh jezikovnih različicah.
  • Sleep Tight, Little Wolf. Bilingual children's book

    Ulrich Renz, Barbara Brinkmann

    eBook (Sefa Verlag, Nov. 6, 2016)
    Bilingual children's book (Hebrew (Ivrit) - Yiddish, age 2 and up)Tim can't fall asleep. His little wolf is missing! Perhaps he forgot him outside? Tim heads out all alone into the night – and unexpectedly encounters some friends… "Sleep Tight, Little Wolf" is a heart-warming bedtime story. It has been translated into more than 50 languages and is available as a bilingual edition in all conceivable combinations of languages.
  • The Wild Swans – 야생의 백조 English – Korean. Bilingual children's book based on a fairy tale by Hans Christian Andersen, age 4-6 and up

    Ulrich Renz, Marc Robitzky

    eBook (Sefa Verlag, July 5, 2017)
    Bilingual children's book (English – Korean)"The Wild Swans" by Hans Christian Andersen is, with good reason, one of the world's most popular fairy tales. In its timeless form it addresses the issues out of which human dramas are made: fear, bravery, love, betrayal, separation and reunion.The present edition is a lovingly illustrated picture book recounting Andersen's fairy tale in a sensitive and child-friendly form. It has been translated into a multitude of languages and is available as a bilingual edition in all conceivable combinations of these languages.어린이를 위한 양국어판 도서 (영어 – 한국어)한스 크리스티안 안데르센의 《야생의 백조》 는 세계에서 가장 유명한 동화 중 하나가 된데에는 이유가 있습니다. 시대를 초월한 형태인 두려움, 용기, 사랑, 배신, 이별, 다시 만남 등 인간 드라마의 주제들을 다루었습니다.삽화가 포함되어있는 윗 버전은 안데르센 동화의 축약본이다. 이는 여러 언어로 번역되었으며 또한 이는 2개의 각각 다른 언어로 출판되었다.
  • My Most Beautiful Dream – Mon plus beau rêve

    Cornelia Haas, Sefa Agnew, Nicolas Garrigues, Martin Andler

    eBook (Sefa Verlag, Nov. 1, 2019)
    Bilingual children's picture book (English – French), with audioLulu can't fall asleep. All her cuddly toys are dreaming already – the shark, the elephant, the little mouse, the dragon, the kangaroo, and the lion cub. Even the bear has trouble keeping his eyes open ... Hey bear, will you take me along into your dream? Thus begins a journey for Lulu that leads her through the dreams of her cuddly toys – and finally to her own most beautiful dream. ♫ Listen to the story in both languages, read by native speakers!► NEW: With pictures to color! A download link in the book gives you free access to the pictures from the story to color in.Livre bilingue pour enfants (anglais – français), avec livre audioLulu ne peut pas s'endormir. Toutes ses peluches sont déjà en train de rêver – le requin, l'éléphant, la petite souris, le dragon, le kangourou et le bébé lion. Même Nounours a du mal à garder ses yeux ouverts ... Eh Nounours, tu m'emmènes dans ton rêve ? C'est ainsi que Lulu part en voyage qui l'emmène à travers les rêves de ses peluches – et finalement dans son propre rêve, le plus beau rêve. ♫ Écoutez l'histoire dans les deux langues, lue par des locuteurs natifs dans les deux langues!► NOUVEAU : Avec des images à colorier ! Les illustrations de l'histoire peuvent être téléchargées via un lien dans le livre pour être coloriées.
  • Tidurlah yang Nyenyak, Serigala Kecil – Sleep Tight, Little Wolf

    Ulrich Renz, Barbara Brinkmann

    language (Sefa Verlag, Nov. 1, 2019)
    Buku anak-anak dengan dwibahasa (bahasa Indonesia – b. Inggris)Tim tidak bisa tidur. Serigala kecilnya hilang! Apakah mungkin Si Serigala Kecil tertinggal di luar? Seorang diri, Tim keluar di malam hari – dan tanpa disangka bertemu dengan beberapa teman."Tidurlah yang Nyenyak, Serigala Kecil" merupakan cerita pengantar tidur yang menghangatkan hati. Cerita ini sudah diterjemahkan ke dalam 50 bahasa dan tersedia dalam berbagai kombinasi dua bahasa.Bilingual children's picture book (Indonesian – English)Tim can't fall asleep. His little wolf is missing! Perhaps he forgot him outside? Tim heads out all alone into the night – and unexpectedly encounters some friends… "Sleep Tight, Little Wolf!" is a heart-warming bedtime story. It has been translated into more than 50 languages and is available as a bilingual edition in all conceivable combinations of these languages.► NEW: With pictures to color! A download link in the book gives you free access to the pictures from the story to color in.